
Excuse me.. After looking at your picture of the pie.. what in your opinion would be an overly dorito-ed slice?

The thing I hate most about things that have to do with Tom Brady is that hes also amazingly lucky. Tom Brady is a great quarterback with super human longevity. Tom Brady played fine last night. Not because he couldnt play great, but because he didnt have to. The chiefs had a middling defense that was serviceable

In general or lately? Lately its because he has a broken toe that needs surgery.

She did make the kids, she legit gave birth to them. Now theres prob someone influencing her powers or something but its also possible that her powers are evolving (mutant powers sometimes do) and shes not in complete control of her new reality bending powers. before she was just telekinesis and telepath but shes also

I mean if the bullet proof vest can leave as fishy pants why cant vision or the kids leave? (as long as they were based in some physical matter/flesh) this episode showed that shes not creating things out of nothing but warping things to fit her reality.. also darcy says that they are real.

Uhhh... arent the dudes supposed to be scumbags? Like they are the “cool” guys but they are all pieces of shit and as mentioned its a 70's movie about pieces of shit in the 50's. Problematic guys doing problematic things does not make a movie problematic.

right obviously hes a racist asshole but for us normal people, before getting angry he could have just called his boss and ask while standing there. Really either of them could have, but only one of them started threatening violence.

What a weird response from the PR Manager (must not be a good one). Lets say hes suffering from intense mental illness .... send him good vibes and positive energy? At most you should make a subdued statement with thoughts and prayers for his cousins family and mention the mental illness.

Going to be super chill until they catch the sounds of predation. Then it will be decidely not chill

Thats perfect. In eternal sunshine of a spotless mind, and another show i watched recently, they start off in a memory (decade in this example) and as things fall apart they rapidly move to the next one. This could be very similar.

Ehh if he sends them back to the past its either a seperate reality OR it rewrites reality and they blip and they come back.. in that case thanos would just snap them again. And I dont think you can make two wishes at the same time especially puny hulk who nearly died after one.

not to mention she says shes their “neighbor” and yet no one knows were she lives. Shes not just someone they bump into randomly in the town.

I think they will be doing new decades but the facade will be falling apart so its more of a mishmash then how in the first 3 episodes we had like 1 minute of real shit.

I think that Monica didnt die cuz the goal was to make her leave not kill her. She was covered in wandas magic to zip her out, It wasnt like a concussive blast that would have killed her if that makes sense. Bee Keeper guy seems (kinda ironically) thanos snapped out of existence by wanda.

She had a picture of her daughters phone with the picture displayed. AT MY MOST GENEROUS, i could see it as a misplaced parenting tactic to use as proof that your daughter is sending nudes. Showing the proof to whom?? Idk, I know the husband bounced so maybe to prove to him something. I have no clue. Its very wierd. A

Since shes cuban its possible he got her deported also so jury is still out.

Here is my unsolicited take. We dont know whats going on in that family but they desperately need therapy. I think law enforcement/CPS should take this more seriously and investigate thoroughly and I believe that isnt happening because of their race/class.

Busted up mdma, steroid and weed dealers as well as stop illegal immigrants from coming to the country. Sad level of snitching

The Human smuggling operation had me dying because I was like oh damn maybe he was doing that to stop a sex trafficking ring and thats good.. then it was like nah didnt want no illegals coming to the country (yes I know they also sex traffic but that wasnt the point of the investigation or his snitching). def white

The chicken at Boston Market and Costco are bigger then the grocery store ones. And the Costco ones are 5 dollars at a loss with the idea you would buy a bunch of other stuff.  Other than that I agree.