The side walk ended

This is enforcing a Right, Not changing a law I believe.

You fall apart there. Let’s look at case law. Your headphones are preventing you (as the president) from hearing ANY persons concerns or applause.

Dude, the point is that you can’t leave a message to the president in that way. That is fine per the 1st amendment only if NO ONE can leave the president a message in that way. So, he certainly can’t block people that disagree with him from leaving the message while promoting the people that do leave the message. And

It is all or nothing. Tons of case law on it. Trump is effectively blocking a certain group of critics from being able to call the operator T the White House while everyone else will be able to leave a message for trump. Him seeing or not seeing the message is completely irrelevant.

Did u used to live in Brooklyn?

I’ve had 3 different Tesela owners bring their car in for a cheap oil change (big box retail)..... He reminds me of all of them blended together. Such a shame.

+1 circling contradiction

You know what the word “atheist” means? ........... I don’t think that word means what you think🙌🍝🐲

I hate people that use the word triggered. Hipster pussies with your bushwich sourced overalls.......

You sound like the old dad/grandpa in “My Big Fat Greek Wedding”.

I was robbed and gun point and hit on the top of the head with the pistol. There’s a small dime shaped part of hair that will never grow back there. Honestly I have to say that now, about 4 years later it does not effect me. No harm.

I know, totally man I was not trying undermine your point just adding some info on the numbers for the sake of clarity.

iPhones are also personal audio devices. So to fix the numbers for you, sony has done (at least) a third of what apple has in the sale of personal audio devices. That includes Sony phones and MP3 players btw.

The scholarship expenses won’t be gone completely for at least 4, maybe even 5 years tho....

Just fire the coach and hire some young gun with no market value or experience. Doesn’t mean the guy won’t be good.

Dude, they are not loosing a couple million dollars on a season of women’s hockey.

Well I for one, refuse to believe that one year of women’s hockey costs the school a net loss of 1.6 million dollars....

If this is true my dog is an evolutionary dumbass because every time I reach down to grab something like say, a tennis ball he thinks it’s time to play. It could actually be a rock, it would not matter. My dog has also never been struck or beaten in his life so there’s also that.

Great usage! Approved.

I know but what I’m saying is Northern Ireland is a completely different country than Ireland. So the statement “Ireland is not apart of the UK” hold 100 percent true.