The side walk ended

Northern Ireland is a different country tho...

I thought part of the issue is that the actual doctors are not the ones “pumping them full”. I believe it’s trainers that are administering the drugs, and that’s a problem because it’s illegal.

there is no way he took a 750 mg dose of Vicodin 2x over the course of a 4 hour football game. He would have died of respiratory failure, Just saying.

there is no way he took a 750 mg dose 2x over the course of a 4 hour football game. He would have died of respiratory failure, Just saying.

It has to do with painting an accurate picture of the party in court.... so does this mean if the man had previously been accused by multiple women of sexual assault or physical abuse than the state should not be able to bring that up in court?

Yea but unlike the kids in Thailand, your kid knows how to wear them...

That’s a whole other bag of tricks and a 300 page law book of a statement on its own. The short form is - yes and no.

Wow... You do realize all of those things you mentioned can also keep an innocent man from being wrongly convicted?

Yea she looked at the wrong card. Get off you fucking high horse or blame the production assistant for Handing them the wrong card. Now hard is it to hand someone an envelope?

Who’s at quarterback, he’s on the bench and what’s at free safety.

This looks like it’s in the 90's...

Wow this was really really good writing. What’s happened to journalism? (Not that I don’t enjoy deadspins stuff but still, they don’t make me like this anymore!)

Just let it go. They enjoy doing it and willingly participate. I really enjoy watching it and don’t want what has happened to football ball happen with boxing.

Ohh, I get you now, you’re confused see I’m actually Greek and what you experienced is simply called a Greek hand shake..

This is some seriously good bait you just cast right there..... you should start a kinja tour fishing company.

Uh..... what kind of football was happening in your town?

The real question, and the only important question really is - what does the father do for a living that allows him to take his entire family on vacation and foot the bill? We never know from the film but in my opinion he is a heroin dealer.... just saying.

You don’t get cut from a high school football team. You just don’t get in the games. You dress as long as you go to practices tho.

Are they so clever that nothing and no one has been able to stop said cheating or atleast replicate the “cheating” you claim is taking place?

Hahaha why are you so salty? Don’t hate the player hate the game my man. Steelers are the most successful championship team in NFL history.... tell me how they aren’t doing something right??