
I’m sort of confused here. Why do people keep making Subaru Outback competitors? People buy a Subaru Outback because it’s a Subaru Outback. Not because they want a lifted AWD wagon from Audi, VW, Ford or Buick. They want the Subaru boxer engine, the Subaru AWD. And something that doesn’t really go beyond 40k

The average price of an MR-S around here is like 5k for an OK condition one, 7-8k for a pristine/lightly modded one. 3700 seems reasonable but damn that interior looks like crap lol. 

From what I understand, that was NASCAR’s slogan back in the 60's and 70's. Race on Sunday, sell cars on Monday. Hence NASCAR was very true to it’s name back then. Things had big honkin’ V8s, manual transmissions, and everything for the most part was rear wheel drive. People don’t buy the Camry (Ambien in car form)

NASCAR is a joke because it doesn’t reflect it’s own roots. Stock car racing. When was the last time a Toyota Camry had a V8, rear wheel drive, and a 4 speed manual transmission? I also don’t give props to guys who turn left for 3 hours compared to the rigors of a WRC rally course, or Dakkar. Also you know, the fans

Holy moly those brake pads look like coagulated brownie dust..

Don’t we all know NASCAR is a joke of a motorsport? Get real with WRC.

I mean if this was probably needs a full rebuilt/new short block. And this isn’t even a limited trim. I got my ‘05 Outback 3.0R L.L. Bean Edition for 6k, unfortunately it meant the 5 speed autotragic....but at 163k miles, still kicks like a mule, which I can’t say with a modded EJ255.

My thing is...will that twin turbo V6 be cool being run 24/7 in that heat?

Wasn’t this car part of the ignition switch recall? And now your park brake doesn’t work in a manual transmission car AND needs new tires? CP to the max.

If it was a 100% clean swap, everything working. Absolutely. 100%. I’d pay 10k tops given all the nagging issues it has.

Goddang wife’s original car is a 1985 RX-7 in pristine shape? 4500? Take my money.

So another ho hum medicore CUV is added to GM’s lineup. GM made the Equinox smaller and basically made the Blazer a last gen Equinox. Next.

If you aren’t buying a V8 Mustang, you have bought the wrong Mustang.

So now GM has the exact opposite problem of side curtain airbags suddenly going off during hard cornering?

So now GM has the exact opposite problem of side curtain airbags suddenly going off during hard cornering?

Neutral: Will Sedans Ever Die?

5400 for a Hearst looking thanks. Albeit it looks better than an Aztek.

As I said before, Fuck VW and all it’s subsidiaries.

Eh I might thumbs down to the R51 Pathfinder unless you 100% know the radiator was bypassed or the transmission has been replaced. Other than that, good buy.

I was about to say..