

Maybe she’s still mad about November 8th.

No. Never. All the cool phones are GSM.

Jobs was legendary for being willing to change his mind if others made good arguments.

Remember when this blog used to be about tech? Now it’s all vintage shopping, volcanoes and stuff durka dur.

Probably because you look like a fucking faggot.

Use a stovetop popper to make popcorn with coconut oil. Trust me, it’s fucking mint.

And morons have been actively working to take them away.

Yeah! Boo rich people with their being wealthier than me. They must have for sure been behind this design flaw. Trying to murder the poor so they can have all the money to themselves! /s

citation needed

I can’t wait to get a woman fired for making a similarly harmless joke.


You are describing a billboard.

These signs provide a public service and should cost no more than the amount it takes to install and maintain them. The purpose of these signs is to attract travelers to an exit, not to an individual business... hence all the restrictions/qualification around operating hours and

He’ll perjury himself without a doubt.

This coming from the same guy that couldn’t tell the truth to Congress regarding the activities of the NSA domestically.

Sunshine was/is fantastic. I know it gets ripped for it’s third act lunacy, but in my opinion the beauty of the first two override all of that. Fantastic soundtrack as well.

IMHO “Sunshine” may B the most underated scifi film ever. Love how the science has a high degree of verisimilitude. Great ambient soundtrack by “Air” as well.

Sunshine, terrible?

Sunshine is wonderful. Ambitious, sure, and a little bit clunky at the end, but overall, terrific stuff. Plus, stunningly beautiful, to add. I loved it, anyway. Fuck all ya’ll haters out there.

I love Sunshine.