
Trump lives rent free in your head. Get a grip.

What American national security interest is served by intervening in Syria against the primary adversary of ISIL?

Formula D(egenerate)

Idiocracy: The Gizmodo Headline

Once again Gizmodo cheers as we resort to using child soldiers as emotional fodder in a public policy battle.

Nope. We just latch on to the fact that the media largely killed the story when all of those identity politics facets you pointed out came to light.

Tim Cook is a SJW failure.

In 2011, Carol Davidsen, director of data integration and media analytics for Obama for America, built a database of every American voter using the same Facebook developer tool used by Cambridge, known as the social graph API. Any time people used Facebook’s log-in button to sign on to the campaign’s website, the

Hi Bryan. Still lying by omission I see.

Daily reminder that Gizmodo is a propaganda website. You will never see this pic anywhere here or in mainstream media.

Woke author misses point of simplistic parable.

Sophomoric. The real story is that almost all of the rest of the media coordinates a political narrative targeting anything not the hard left and Gizmodo Inc is part of that machine. This is the actual propaganda.

Kotaku: SJWs got bored and moved on to animal justice.

Student bodies are not representatives of the state.

Nobody is a second-class citizen, you mouth breathing gimp.

Oh look another Gawkmodo hit job.

Ok, after them, who’s next in line for second class citizenship?

Straight out of the neomarxist handbook. Straight out of communist history more so than fascist history.

This is not about debate or free speech, it is about imposing themselves on organizations that want nothing to with them in order to play the victim and garner support from halfwits.

Exactly. Powerful stuff you just posted. What scares me is millions of people are being brainwashed into believing the points you just noted ARE hate speech that should be shut down/deplatformed/prosecuted/violently attacked at all costs.