
And yet you’re too dimwitted to see the consequences of suggesting some governing body gets unlimited authority to regulate what ads anyone can buy on a private platform like Facebook.

The Russians bought BLM and pro-Hillary ads.

Listen to yourself oh so called liberal. Listen to yourself defend a fucking multibillion dollar multinational company do something unethical on the grounds of “exists to make money and satisfy their shareholders.” You sound like Ayn Rand.

Three hours seems like kind of a slog.

“alleged victim”

I guess the only way to deal with people “waging war” is violence of your own. Or did you mean that figuratively? Or did you mean that just to dogwhistle?

You’re implying people aren’t morons.

So just because someone can break the law doesn’t mean we shouldn’t have laws?

We shouldn’t have laughably unenforceable laws. That follows.

3D printing will very soon make that pointless not to mention the fact that for every hundred million guns already out there that take a standard capacity magazine, there are hundreds of millions of magazines.

You’re the one who brought it up as being news; Google mistakenly listed it as news, and then fixed it.

Now playing

The top poster did you brainlet, implying no one should call them fake news when in fact they publish fake news and cut live feeds that aren’t fitting the narrative. Me responding to something isn’t me bringing it up. live in Monroe?

4Chan reference, like “DaddysDarkCocoa” or “AmusedMoor”.

Oh look another unironic reader of this garbage website that doesn’t know anything but chimes in anyways.

Distinction without a difference as far as I’m concerned.

Boom. You’re a moron. Boom.

I knew the top comment was going to be dumb as shit, and sure enough, it’s dumb as shit.

It’s like Gizmodo is for old people now. Unsecured webcam trolling has been around for...we’re almost able to use the word “decades” it’s been that long.