Thanks for everything, Ted. Sincerely.
Thanks for everything, Ted. Sincerely.
Sadly, a slip on the disney website now further adds to the idea this is indeed just a vision.
I think it would be a more meaningful twist for the new trilogy and give some actual meaning to Kylo’s journey. Like you said, the impacts would go further than just this.
Unless that’s actually the intention all along? That Ren really is the hero and his struggles are what we’ve been watching in lieu of Rey, the impossible opponent who is now geared up to usurp him just before he redeems them both, having learnt the darkness well?
Loved this game.
Don’t forget about the added cherry on top of MK Star Wars. That part was why I kept going back and as good as Battlefront is at allowing us our Heroes v Villains, this had a different charm of its own.
It literally broke my five year old Xbox One so that no high spec games will play. Battlefront 2? Nope. Darksiders 3? Nope. MGS V? Nope. It struggles to play Apex legends and Fortnite after a tussle with Anthem!
Point of information, didn’t Yoda originally oppose the training of Anakin too but was out-voted by the council? I may be wrong...
A lot of these make sense, although i’m not sure i’d have gone with that rendition of Mew, who is clearly far more feline than fetal.
He actually sounds like Cartman.
In the context of Insane’s comment, you’re actually incorrect. The initial poster is inferring that Trump is the created beast of people trying to benefit from a disaster (as per the scientist in the book) rather than the creator themselves which in this case would not be Frankestein as heywhat posted.
A slow burn is good (I loved LOST and Westworld for example) but I personally don’t feel that way about the other netflix shows. In most instances, it’s like they have an end they want to get to but not enough time has been spent with the characters to justify that end so they bring about a significant conclusion,…
I personally loved JJ (both seasons) so i’m a bit sceptical if i’ll enjoy this now (I liked the first season but all these marvel netflix shows save JJ have a bad habit of getting very slow around the middle, almost as if they should be 3/4 episodes shorter).
I’m not sure I agree. I think this was the season where a lot of things went right. In previous seasons of the show, the characters have tended to be self destructive in awful ways that have constantly had them taking steps forward and then back (which was sometimes frustrating to see from the audience). This was the…
In the TV show Rebels there are news casts.
I personally would have put Monsters Inc, Toy Story 2 and Ratatouille behind Inside Out and Up. Possibly putting Rata and Monsters in the back half of the top 10 and Toy Story 2 at 10. None of them are bad films though.
I would have put Toy Story and A Bug’s Life at 11 and 12 respectively. Outside of that, the top 5…
I really liked Bossk in the last game. I’d have had him any day over Rey or Kylo.
Did you watch VHS?
I personally often break films down further than just horror or not horror. I have creepy, horror and thriller. IT follows was a creepy film, the horror in it was personally found in the idea of IT being ‘Death’ itself. Insofar as no matter how fast or far you run, it’s always coming for you and…
I don’t get the hate for the first game. I bought it and then the season pass about 3/4months after and I had an absolute blast, so much fun. AT one point, mates and I must have been bombing 10+ hours a week into it.
The first game was actually very solid multiplayer wise (great game modes, well built maps, balanced…
Hahaha. Omg. It’s times like this when I have a news article about Syrian refugees open and I see a story like this that I have to wonder where the thing that went wrong obviously went VERY wrong.
If these universities have any sense they’ll all boycott the pair of them and let them start serving Mcfries for the rest…