The Rooster

This article gave me a good chuckle.

I accepted this about eleven years ago when playing a text based MMORPG called Stargate Wars. If you want to be competitive with MP games, or you want to get 100% out of single players you MUST put tons of time in, but then they’ll always be That Guy who has more free time or more money. I simply don’t have the


It looks nice. I can see they’ve clearly tried to capture some feel for the original games AND it looks a bit faster paced than battlefield (thank god), but still... If Activision had got their hands on it, I cannot help but feel we’d have got a better game. Storm Trooper Zombies anyone? :(

Here, here. Same thoughts really.

Just furthered my distaste of vegetarians and vegans etc...

I’m sincerely surprised you even managed to give it a D+. Seth MacFarlance is an awful writer, i’d put him on the same level as E L James.

We reviewed it and had a few thoughts too.

The plot holes were something we picked up on, especially around Ultron and the recently corrected Fury’s magic helicarrier. Good article though.

For any interested, the YouTube video is...

Dam straight! The original 2/3 generations seemed realistic, way, way more than the later ones. After Ruby, Saphire and Emerald I turned off Pokemon because they just turned into odd things that made no sense. Key chain pokemon, I mean wtf!? How can Gyarados, Mr Mime and Ditto be considered boring and safe!? A

You couldn't have paid me to keep playing it for 300 hours. It was a horrible knock-off of Halo. Bungie sold out to Sony and yes that doesn't really matter to me but I can sympathise with the larger body of their decade built loyal customers on Xbox that have had a huge part in putting them in a position to make

"I don't even have time to explain why I don't have time to explain," says a character, famously, at one point in the game. Her name is "The Stranger," and in the game's final cutscene she gives you a gun and bails. I've watched her give me that gun more than half a dozen times now; at this point I'd rather she took

We were all excited for Titanfall. Turns out, we had good reason to be—the game came out, and it was a hell of a lot of fun. We played the heck out of it for a few weeks, and had a blast. And then… well, we kinda just stopped playing. Based on a poll we did a little while back, a lot of you did, too. The game had a

Dam right sir! Best DLC/Expansion i've ever played.

Well Destiny was average at best, a massively wasted opportunity. I see no need to do anything other than boycott Bungie entirely. As an Xbox player who grew up with Bungie over the last 11 years or more and one of their customers I can't say there is no sense of betrayal in this regard.

Dear god... no. NO. Charlotte was by far the most annoying, pointless, grating character followed by Daniel Faraday. Sadly, I have to disagree with this list, but then it is all subjective. XD