The Shape of Pkunk to Come

Goose dying was already covered in another movie.

Holy shit Hollywood, only an 8 year age difference for a husband and wife?

Why start now? They didn't before.

We like rook! We like rook!

I'm new to someone using "my book" 9 times in one short interview.

Is it possible to masturbate your ego with a book? Because I think she just did.

Yes, she talks about it in her book.

I wouldn't even call it an anthology. To me it's just North American television adapting the British model. Limited series, no guarantees of future seasons. It keeps the plotting tighter and makes the writers plan the endings. I'm enjoying it.

That's what gives him the super-boner?

This is a tricky gray area.


Is it ever not?

Are you serious? I just told you that a moment ago.

Nagging wife is redundant.

"I see a “comedic masterwork” in Nailed"

I just wanted to ask,
Could I eat your ass?
Write back as soon as you can.

Could have at least used the updated graphic.

Sure, if you're a fatter, balder, uglier Angelina Jolie.

When are they going to get to the Batman factory?!?

Vincent Adultman