The Shape of Pkunk to Come

Here's my primer for Bad Religion.

Shut up. Shut up! SHUT UP!

It’s no wonder then that Howard still remains hopelessly attached to his
mother, stuck in a state of infancy, because people like Leonard and
Sheldon certainly aren’t putting him first when he needs it the most.

____ Firefly?

Yes, Fox News counts.

And he's not too thrilled with the way Azerbaijan has been looking at him lately.

Wow, how many times can Liam Neeson remake the same movie over and over.

Agent Taking A. Nap

Melisandre is not a meme.

Wait, did someone on the A.V. Club just forget about Arrested Development?

If he couldn't recycle his stand up bits, Pete Davidson would have no presence at all.


I was under the impression that most people who make it through two seasons of featured player status are promoted to the regular cast. As the only survivors of 2013, I've been assuming that Bennett and Mooney were safe.

This episode had something I'm not sure I've seen on SHIELD before, actual tension.

I'm pretty sure Hayley Atwell made it to 2015 all on her own.

You know, Fox turned into a hardcore sex channel so gradually, I didn't even notice.

Well, if it helps, you can also have kids with your kids.

In that situation, wouldn't margarita pool do a better job then of disinfecting than a regular pool?

You know, with those references to the Elon Musk episode so soon after it happened… I don't think the Simpsons has ever had that kind of continuity before. It was… weird.

Have you not experienced the musical tastes of ten year old girls?