The Shape of Pkunk to Come

I have to agree, does it always have to be a murder case?

Wasn't this already an episode of 2 Broke Girls?

Your sentence was two words too long.

How am I supposed to find someone willing to go into that murky old crab trap?

I hate summer.  You have to worry about it being 30 degrees outside.

I thought we all agreed this never happened.

Let's goooo alllllllllllllready.

That was the old Futurama.  It's dead now.

I'm honestly thrilled they're not just stretching out 5 minutes of Daenerys plot for 10 episodes like they did last season.  I was seriously worried her story would drag everything down again.

I'm going to have to say Nine Inch Nails - The Downward Spiral is the album I've consistently listened to the longest.   Though obviously I have a soft spot for Refused - The Shape of Punk to Come.

That's just regular Harrison Ford.

Stay gold, Ponyboy. Stay gold.

No.  In the end it's just television.  If the networks are dying, let them die.  I owe them nothing and they owe me nothing.

Sorry, I think House Tyrell beats House Tully at the lame sigil and lame words game.

Since this episode I have always maintained a bit of disappointment that America's school system did not collapse in a few months like Chalmers predicted it would.

They're going to do it twice?

Has anyone in this family ever even heard a chicken?

I would have gone with "Six seasons and a hoodie".

I found this to be an uneven episode, and the actress playing Trish was just horrible.  On the other hand, that was the best use they've made of Haley in a long long time.

When she asked what it was, you should have just told her "We'll show you later".