If I had to guess, it's because money is tight, and gum is an easy thing to phase out of a budget.
If I had to guess, it's because money is tight, and gum is an easy thing to phase out of a budget.
They have long claws which is where the original confusion came from, but sloth bears are in fact the sort of bear Baloo from the Jungle Book is supposed to be. ENTIRELY DIFFERENT ANIMAL. Also, I know Khali personally and will spend all day defending her if I have to.
Khali is a sloth bear, not a sloth.
It angers me that all these people signing the Facebook page have basically made it impossible for this kid to survive school without regular beatings and humiliation. Every signatory must take a little bit of the blame for this kid's certain misery. All this publicity and hand wringing is only going to make his…
Before everyone was a potentially-bullied snowflake, schools sent kids home for anything that was "disruptive." Their parents were generally more pissed off at having to leave work to pick up their kids than anything else. Now, everyone related to this nine-year-old has nothing better to do than assure him that he…
Because Bubble Tea is one of humanity's most horrifically disgusting creations.
I call bullshit. Much is bullshit in this story, not least of which is dudes catching other dudes checking out their business are often subject to a beat down, as somewhat regular locker room etiquette for lack thereof. "Checking out" or "admiring" is not generally accepted as good behavior. This study is bunk.
Yeh, how do you make popcorn with a toaster oven?
plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose...
Yep. If she'd been here longer she'd dismiss the criticism as well.
The saddest part of this is how Julian Assange preyed on Chelsea for his own gain. Assange such a creep.
I'm just the opposite, I think Assange is a bit of a sleazeball but should be left alone, I think Snowden actually did good work but Manning is a treasonous attention whoring piece of shit who got off light and his (yep I'm using the male pronoun) claim that it was all because he's transgender (which obviously I don't…
I wouldn't consider someone who leaked hundreds of thousands of classified documents a hero. She didn't know all of the information that was contained in them before the release and she could have put real people in serious danger. There's a difference between leaking pieces of information about the wrongdoings of the…
I doubt the court will grant the petition. Sorry but you're in military prison, not some soft civilian detention facility. Better luck with that once he's out.
Even if the court grants the petition it's unlikely (as in snowballs chance in hell) that the U.S. Army or U.S. Government will recognize it and anything will change for Manning.
I wholeheartedly disagree.
I hope they hit him with child pornography charges. No bones about it, he's a sex offender. Sending the little creep away for a long, long time would send a necessary message to the others doing the same things.