It's as if there were no way to predict this reaction.
It's as if there were no way to predict this reaction.
This app doesn't average the age at which your friends married, it averages your married friends ages. In other words it tells you on which date you were/will be at that average age.
It's cute that she thinks customs official give a flip about her tweets.
Who is forcing these poor people to participate at these dangerous venues?
I'm so sorry you're going through all this.
Agreed. The dogs are lovely and it seems that she cares for them. However, she appears to be terribly ignorant of the hierarchy dogs need in order to be truly happy, healthy, and socially acceptable.
Why are your husband and his father enabling this woman's nastiness? Being a nice guy does not include allowing this woman to destroy your life. They should both be ashamed of themselves and you should run, not walk, as far from this woman as possible.
His behavior was NOT appropriate. If you feel safe doing so, please report him. You're almost certainly not the first nor the last patient this guy has preyed upon. Please be safe and be well.
Pretty soon people are going to agree with him.
It almost seems that she mentioned Rosie's past to imply that her personal experience blinds her to the truth.
At which point in the process does the trans person change chromosomes?
Thank you. I'll buy a 2.6 GPA, but cowardly is right out.