
We saw Evy tell Mateo that after telling Tre where to get off. Part of why this connection NOW to Taylor and his SL feels both weak and contrived.
As to why she didn't tell the principal, teens usually don't tell tales to authority figures. And this was a school with clear racial tensions BEFORE the escalation after

Terri, who has been shown to be the most intelligent and political of the parents, finally said what all of them should have been doing. They, the parents, need to have their kids talk to them. And they need to really listen. Terri LaCroix did try to do the right thing here too. She was with her son when they went

I agree with you soooooooo much on the connections between Marshall and Leyland and Evy's assault and Taylor's being too much too late. Taylor's story was already way complicated for 10 episodes and the time this took to get here and how it aggravated viewers wasn't good.
And you definitely have something about the

Yes, I agree and really, we've known that for weeks already. John Ridley repeated in an interview lately what he told the actors basically. Everyone of them believes they are telling the truth. (In some cases, not all of it. Not all at once.)
Like the lawyer told Anne Blaine. All that Sebastian turned up was

There were no subtitles. Even another recapper mentioned it. A deliberate choice, perhaps to make the audience feel as out of it as Principal Dixon.

Both the marijuana and the Oxycontin are illegal drugs. Becca Sullivan sold both to Taylor on the afternoon of the shooting and I think, he took both together. The facts here are complicated, as is everything else on this show. This teenager got the ILLEGAL marijuana in her own home from her mother's stash. She

Yes, in one or I think two of the initial episodes we saw Tre accosting Evy in the hall, her disinterest and Mateo trying to intervene. The touches that we saw onscreen weren't overly sexual even though Tre's interest/threat was clear. But my impression from tonight's show, both the meeting with the Hispanic woman

Actually, didn't Anne's therapist ask her in one of the earlier episodes what taylor wants? And counsel her that she should consider that in deciding what's best for HIM,

Look further down in the comments to the person who says that not only do they not believe that Eric raped Taylor but that "most people" don't! Interesting discussion there.

A realistic lawyer knows the police closed the rape case because of lack of evidence and or witnesses. Evy didn't see Taylor having sex, just the results. The Blaine's went to the hospital & police too late for Taylor to be tested for any drugs. They might be able to prove that Wes was at the party. Maybe even

I remember them saying that they would reserve the right to prosecute Kevin over "hosting" this party which could mean he'd be held responsible towards things that happened. Like underage drinking, (drugs) and a possible sexual assault. What I was referring to was the police telling Anne Blaine that the rape case

My guess is that you'll get half of this. I don't think they will clear matters of Taylor's sexual assault up at all. Eric simply, like many teens I expect, doesn't understand informed consent. So he doesn't think that he raped Taylor.
I share your frustration about the Marshall story line taking time and focus away

Very well explained.

Oh, I'm not sure that I agree. Both woman have self confidence and some vulnerabilities that they push down deep inside. And both are fierce protectors of their sons whom they love deeply. Where they are different is in terms of privilege. AC turned the usual narrative around in that it's the Black LaCroix's who

I believe you're wrong about "most people not believing Eric raped Taylor." I certainly believe that he did. Both boys planned to hook up at the party. What they disagree about is consent. Taylor has said he drank (beer) before the sex. But that the way he was feeling was not in keeping with what/how much he

I agree on both points. Is Sebastian a "hacker for hire?" Or, some kind of a vigilante? And why would he travel so far to get involved. The show needs to clear up his motives a bit since they have shown that he's going out of his regular life to get involved here.
And I started watching knowing that American Crime

In the beginning, I was screaming every episode that Kevin was hiding things and when would they question Val, the girl he used as an alibi for his time at the Captain's Party. He had gifted her with that $900 bracelet and mommy made him take it back to Val's fury. I suspected that there was more of a group or

We've seen that the job is very, very important to Coach Dan. And certainly by the time Anne Blaine's medical records were leaked but possibly all along, the Coach has seen his job as in danger from her. He's not stupid even though he wears blinders. But Sullivan was frustrated because he also understood how

I get that. Why Anne feels paralyzed now. But I also understand why the (court appointed?) lawyer wants to settle it quickly. And I don't know enough about the legal process to know if that's in Taylor's interests.
The way it's been portrayed, Anne Blaine is Don Quixote tilting at windmills. She still wants

Yes, I agree that a lot of this has to do with Anne's need to prove herself a good mother after abandoning her son with friends of hers for 8 months. But we don't know how old Taylor was then, do we? Anne is still in therapy. And Taylor called Nate out on how his obvious feelings about homosexuals affected him