
Oh, thank god! I think you, me and one other person are the only ones watching this show who don't want to nominate Anne Blaine for Mother of the Year. I still, and always, have felt that Anne's actions are at least as much about her and her feelings as about Taylor and what he wants and needs.

That was bugging me sooooooooo much!

That's what I got too. But it is perhaps realistic. The parents are separated and we don't know for how long. Also, like the other parents, he was "busy" with his own drama. We did see him trying to be a "good" dad but with one son trying to kill himself, then discovering he's gay and the one who another boy is

Oh, we only have 2 more episodes. Somehow, I don't think we're going to learn ANYTHING more about the Captain's party than we already know. And I also doubt very much that we'll see a trial. I kind of expect they won't even tell us Taylor's end fate.

The rape kit was taken something like a week after the assault. They have already said that it was too long afterwards to prove Taylor was drugged. They did get enough evidence to know that 17 year old Taylor had a rough sexual encounter and anal sex. They got semen and DNA off of his clothing but before they

But was what shook her up any feelings of guilt or even responsibility? OR, was she that shook up knowing that Taylor had been waiting to see her with a gun in his pocket and murder on his mind?

I was much more impressed with his scene when Becca tells her father that she sold Taylor drugs shortly before he shot Wes. And also the scene with his wife Steph about it.

I do like that Ridley spreads the blame and shame around everywhere. And I still wonder about a lot. We know Michael asked someone to dig up what they could. (On Anne? Taylor? Anyone but Kevin?) And we know that Coach Dan suspected that Leslie did it and he tried to find evidence in her office. Will it ever

BUT, we have 3 episodes left. Is AC going to explore why Wes was on that list? Or, are they going to leave things murkier? I didn't watch S1 but understand that the show runner doesn't believe in showing crimes as black & white, this person is guilty.

To the public, yes. But American Crime is about examining the repercussions of crime on a micro level. I expect we'll continue to watch this unfold and how it affects quite a few characters. And I don't expect that we'll see much resolved before the season ends.

I seriously doubt renewal. My grandmother used the expression "a new broom sweeps clean." The new chief will be looking to make a positive affect in ABC's ratings quickly. The fastest way to do that is to replace the lowest rated shows. While both American Crime and Agent Carter are loved by critics and a small,

While I'd like that, I doubt THIS show is going there. I think the fact that they went with Wes, an almost unknown character, instead of one of the 3 others that Taylor was thinking about tells us that they want to explore a much murkier idea about guilt vs. innocence. And ideas about who is ultimately guilty or not

Thank you! I was disappointed that a show as good as this one suddenly left gaping holes in the plot of a pivotal episode.

I think that's exactly why Wes, an almost undeveloped character, was the one shot. That randomness is the story the writer wants to tell. The crime is about "society" and Taylor without bringing "Wes" into it much.

Yes. But there were 4 guys and neither Eric nor Kevin beat up Taylor even though they were both complicit. Wes has been very antsy all season each time the basketball players have been taxed about the events of the Captain's party. Yet we know of no other connection between Wes and Taylor yet. So why did he

It was a bit before we discovered that Eric is gay. We actually knew about his anger and misogyny before we saw him have the first sexual encounter. There could be several reasons why he wants "gentle" encounters AFTER this party.
-Remorse for how he treated Taylor or fear of the physical hurt he either inflicted

I kind of like the randomness and desperation that led to Taylor shooting Wes. When Dr. Graham wasn't there and he left the school, you could almost believe that we'd dodged that particular "bullet" and that the story would be about how he almost killed people. Also, the choice to signal the SL ahead of time,

Poor Felicity Huffman!!! The actress likes dark, meaty roles and she'll receive a lot of accolades for this.
And if you meant that manipulative b*tch of a character, Dr. Graham!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I thought Eric's story was different tonight. I'm sure that he said Taylor changed his mind about sex after initially planning the hook up before the party. There was also a flash back of Eric saying something about "be fun" to someone. That's Kevin's expression when he was pushing girls towards sex.
And we still

No, I also thought he said something about Taylor not wanting sex after he had planned to hook up before the party.