
The actor had a more prominent role in S1 of American Crime.

Yes, I do believe Eric was rough with Taylor at the Captain's party. Evidenced by
Eric has a flashpoint, violent temper. Shown in particular in the scene with his younger brother and the fight over the cell phone. And when Eric was attacked in the mini van
-The rape kit. Both his body and the blood & semen on his

You're right in your observations but perhaps that's the story Ridley wanted to tell. Taylor is trying to grow up. His decision feels like it to him.
Eric still has a lot of anger inside and remember, both are only 17. AC showed us a bit of the family background and formative years of both boys and why they might

Yes. Dan went searching in Leslie's office but we never saw any indication that he found anything.
We also know that Michael LaCroix told their friend on the force to dig for dirt on the Blaine's after Kevin's name was published in the newspapers and he felt vindicated when Anne Blaine's medical records were leaked

I don't remember if it was explicitly stated that the emails were sent from her work account, but ANYTHING you do from your office computer belongs to them and you are informed of that. Also that they can view your emails at will and that you are responsible for the content. I thought she got off lightly since the

Do you really think that he was able to keep his job after his daughter was arrested for being the school pharmacist? And especially after it came out that she got the marijuana in their home!

I don't agree that Leslie leaked the records. Or even that we were supposed to believe that she did. It was all set up from the beginning.
-Dan Sullivan has the arcane and detail oriented hobby of building ships in bottles.
-Steph Sullivan is not only a photographer but we saw that she manipulates photos with a

But Leslie didn't leak Anne Blaine's medical records! The Sullivan's manufactured that "evidence."

Yes, totally. I felt that when he was introduced late and they made it more and more complicated. It took away from the rest of the stories and couldn't they have brought out that a hacker from the local community unearthed secrets without giving him/her a story? They didn't even really give Wes Baxter a story and

Actually, I disagree a bit. I wouldn't describe what Eric did to Taylor as a misunderstanding! We know rough anal sex occurred. (The evidence of the rape kit.) The Blaine's went to the police too late for Taylor to be drug tested but it's not at all hard to believe that someone at that party gave him drugged beer.

We saw Michael LaCroix ask their policeman "friend" to dig up dirt on others after the articles where his son's name was published. We know after that, Anne Blaine's medical records were illegally obtained and leaked online. The policeman even said that he did it in the finale. So I believe that Dan and Steph

No, I believe she said "more than an hour."

Be prepared to never know exactly what happened at the Captain's Party. John Ridley has said that all of the characters believe they are telling the truth. Taylor says had a couple of beers but he was more compromised than just that would make him. Eric had rough sex with Taylor while Taylor was unable to give

I believe it referred to Tre getting aggressive with Evy in the hallway at Marshall in one of the early episodes. Mateo took after Tre then and Evy tore into Mateo saying she could handle it. I believe Principal Dixon was nearby or passing nearby at the time.

I find it really sloppy storytelling that the police didn't drug test Taylor as soon as they took him into custody? If they did, and wouldn't that be standard procedure, than Anne and her lawyer would know he tested positive for drugs. They might not have known where he got them, but it should have already been

We did see Dan and Curt tell their kids to talk to them. But when the kids did, they didn't listen, at least at first.
We saw Dan film his daughter practically giving a lap dance to another kid in the gym. And we heard that he showed it to his wife but he expected her to "talk" to her daughter but not to tell her

I also found the scene totally unbelievable, even for hippy dippy Steph, UNTIL she went for the jugular and said, she'd lie and get her daughter to if they have to so better to not even go there. So Steph Sullivan totally knew all along what she was going to say.

Yes, exactly! It's a sign that this show is always too jam packed with small incidents that are "important" and most of the audience misses them. You and I seem to be the only people who recall clearly not only the "sexual assault" on Evy but how nonchalant she was about it at the time. Telling Mateo that she

I have always thought Terri both the most intelligent of all of the parents and the most politically savvy. But last night, we saw her realize something the others should have too. Terri said to her husband, we need to get our son to talk to us. And she listened. It's only natural for all of the LaCroix's to want

Principal Dixon was actually shown as seeing some friction between Evy, Tre and Mateo in the hall and just breaking it up. He said he went by the book and gave a suspension to the 3 kids who were being violent. But Principal Dixon called the Hispanic kids something. Thugs maybe. That was pointed out to him by