
But after the 48 Hours episode I found her to be not guilty! Going kayaking without the plug is not going to kill you. This is the plug on top of the kayak:

Any business that can’t pay a living wage has no business to exist on a free market in the first place - and indeed only survives, because we the tax payers subsidize their shitty wages with welfare benefits for their underpaid, intentionally impoverished employees.

I dunno, I was looking forward to 30 (I’m 32 now) and honestly it’s the same fucking shit.

I hope more than anything ever in my life that she was paid to be there. Not only because that means Trump has to pay people to make him look like he has diverse support but also because she was paid to give zero fucks and read her book. Can she start a book club? Can we pay her to sit and read during all the GOP

Grinning and conspiratorial, all kinetic limbs and generous laughter,

So much hostility. I had no idea I was bisexual until mid 20’s. And it did start with your stereotypical “lame” experimentation that people often decry. Jeez, let people try things out.

My husband’s uncle is a pilot and used to make extra money towing messages when he was younger - my favorite story of his is of the time some rich guy hired him to fly along the beach in the Hamptons towing a sign saying what a dick some other rich guy was. For hours.


these low-rise jeans demand confidence, strategy—and let’s be honest, some crunches

Oh, look: another story about an intelligent, educated female leader that reduces her to a bitchy stereotype.

I’m going to be that guy...It’s wreaking, not wrecking.

Am I high at work? WTF did I just read?

I don’t usually post pics of myself, but this just tickled me pink (and not just because I’m 7 years younger by their count).

That note is so confusing, what if your kid is lactose intolerant? Is milk still required? Why do you need bread to go with your potatoes? One starch isn’t enough? And, peanut butter most certainly is a healthy snack, don’t noboby try to take my peanut butter.

Bread to go along with the potato? Say what now?

Good. Instead of talking about qualifications, we’re talking about his body and eating habits.

Ugh, this wannabe victim. Riding the rape-accusation train to GLORY. Now look at her. She’s got everything! A face with a mouth! College! A mattress! Some people who don’t like this precious male on her behalf! WHAT NEXT?! WHAT ARE WE GOING TO GIVE THIS LIAR NEXT?!

“Fact: Unless you are a professional paleontologist, any six-year-old child in America can absolutely humiliate you at dinosaur trivia.”
I teach 4th and 5th grade girls science after-school. Truer words have never been spoken, Kelly. I am shamed by my lack of dinosaur knowledge on a daily basis.

But if you don't brag about him on Facebook does he really even exist?

The people who brag the most about how #blessed they are are the most insecure in general, not just in relationships, right? It's the whole "lady doth protest too much" thing.