
Well, we're engaged, so I do participate in raising the kids. Also, I never specified or even implied what my partner does/doesn't teach them, so please don't make assumptions about whether or not he's "stepping up."

I want to agree, but I feel like a hypocrite; I wore stirrup pants when I was a teenager.

Am I allowed to think that this policy is sexist and dumb, but also think that leggings are not pants?

However, I really wish that Jezebel would stop with the sensationalist headlines and publish more than one type of cop story. These types of headlines (it happened again: everyone be afraid of police now) continue the cycle of fear and hatred of police officers everywhere and it makes their jobs that much harder.

Because the crazier their demands are, the more likely we are to win. Even the most conservative members of the Court will have a tough time saying you cannot talk to your doctor about certain things. Just madness.

I bought both palettes (skipped the nail polish because of the bad reviews) and the makeup is actually really really high-quality. Some of the best eyeshadows I've used, very pigmented. With the larger kit, you get a LOT of makeup for the price. I'm really excited about it, but then I'm sort of a makeup addict.

Wait a second, they used John 8 as a supportive argument for stoning gays? Bible lesson for the day, everyone!

Not to be that guy, but Des Moines is in Iowa, yo.

$10 says the next article posted to Jez today has the headline, "STOP!"

Contouring done correctly can be amazing. But some of these pics are the worst of the worst. I'm not sure Lindsay Lohan belongs there, though, especially in the bottom picture. I can't even detect it that much with her.

We in the Charlie fan club appreciate your support.


Are all her looks in this video a reflection on J Lo's greatest fashion hits? I can't look at that first pant suit without thinking of that Versace she wore at the 200 Grammy's

He went on there for the opportunities it would present later. That's evident from the start. The show was supposed to be his launching pad. He'd play the game, commit to no one, and, because of his sparkling personality (in his mind), charm (in his mind), and good looks (eh), he thought America would fall in love

Don't forget the cousin who warned them both that "Juan Pablo is the type of person to break up with you over a little fight" and that you have to be the one to chase him down to force him to get back together you

Even Sharleen, who defended him on the Women Tell All show was through giving him the benefit of the doubt. I can't get emotionally worked up over this stupid show and think both the producers and Juan Pablo are awful. It was an awesome and entertaining finale though. The best one since Jason dumped Melissa for

yeah "pretty effective" is maybe not what you want when a cat is already attacking your baby.

Apparently, it wasn't just a "scratch". The cat attacked the baby, and the baby needed medical attention. I am a crazy dog lady who worships her puglet, but I'm all for manhandling an animal to protect a baby. Seems like a natural response to me.

Reason with it

Callie, I'm really disappointed that L.C. didn't actually shave her head. Like super disappointed. I might have to leave work early.