
"Russia had nukes pointed at us for twenty years. You couldn't even skateboard to a Blockbuster without getting nuked" is the new "we had to walk 10 miles uphill in the snow, both ways."

Yes, physical characteristics are biological. However, those biological characteristics are not race. Race is a social construct created to classify people. There is no genetic basis for race.

"Ew!" is a carry-over from "Late Night". He also did it with Emma Stone, Lindsay Lohan, and Channing Tatum. It's the BEST.

Word. When she started, I thought she was fine but she keeps getting better and better. I sense she's going to be one of the legendary correspondents and hopefully go on to even greater things.

She's a good actress, but she couldn't rein in the sadness.

Jessica is the BEST. Hiring her was an excellent decision and I'm glad she's finding success on the Daily Show with apt sociopolitical commentary and also thriving in other opportunities!

The silver lining I took away from this is that the U.S. Ambassador to Denmark is an openly gay environmentalist.

I had a very similar relationship— it didn't last long, but it took AGES for me to pull it together after he dumped me. And, looking back, a lot of it was because he completely dismissed my emotions, during the relationship and then my reaction to the breakup. It made me feel like I was a bad person with insane

People have a hard time grasping that abusive people can somehow be nice or respectable to others. Like with this whole Woody Allen thing and B. Walters saying "oh but I know him, he's an alright, standup guy", not even considering that most abusers ARE manipulative and don't just abuse everything they come into

100% trying this air-swimming thing next time I have a lucid nightmare.

This is kind of weird but I'll share it anyway. I've always been very open about my body and never really tried to hide it. Some people think that I might be a little too open about it but whatever, it's my body. Well, one time a website offered five figures for unaltered pictures of my body and then they made a post

That's how it goes, institutional bias (usually) doesn't lead to otherwise well-meaning people saying 'I'm going to hire a bunch of white dudes! lol, minorities and women want a job.' They just, somehow, without rhyme or reason, default to 'when in doubt, hire a white dude'.