
When I was younger (read: didn't have the income to get myself what I wanted) I loved Christmas and Thanksgiving just seemed like a stop-over on the way to the "best" holiday. Now that I have kids and I haven't had to make a Christmas list for myself since I was in high school, Thanksgiving skyrocketed to my favorite

I agree. We're all in this shit together, and we can't overcome it alone.


I said the same thing. Then I felt guilty for saying it. Then I decided I didn't care. The Romneys are beautiful people too, but the Obamas just seem more beautiful to me in their genuineness. That is why their physically beauty seems to shine. (Then the next thing I said was, Malia is getting SO TALL!) :)

All of this. Me too. I worked for campaigns in 04, and then was just done.

I now need to clear my browser history. A browser enema, if you will.

Haha, sure. It's quite possible that if some people I know were actually on FB (namely my brother) it may have appeared. But I also have a low nonsense tolerance and routinely purge my FB and Twitter. If I saw someone post something dumb like that, they would be purged.

I'm with you, Duchess.

Yeah, I was stunned to hear it was nuns too...but we have to remember, as you said, it was probably a conservative order...habits and all. :)


That's what I interpreted from the tweets. Clearly my friends and I aren't worried about whether or not someone thinks something we said is "homosexual in nature".

I feel lame saying this, but I didn't even know that "no homo" was a thing. I've never heard anyone say it, and nobody I follow on Twitter of FB has ever written least not in my recollection.

but so many of them are not

I breastfed my twins and do you think I have this figured out? Nah.

And yet oh-so-fitting for a story on what's inside lady purses.

ditto. it's all over pinterest, so i think it has lost all meaning and has been co-oped.

brilliant. you have just put words to my feelings.

hell yeah! i'd like to see more of his moves!

also, why can they just air it simultaneously in the UK and the US?

oh god, agree