
I found him calling a grandmother “girl” downright cringeworthy.

It’s a little difficult to perceive her actions as evil when other characters get to do evil things and still be called heroes. Dany did those things to people who had previously murdered or mutilated other people (Drogo, her baby, her fellow Dothrakis while kidnapping her dragons, innocent slaves, the Unsullied...),

I stopped watching that show after an episode when they were working on a veteran’s house. One of Ty’s associates was trying to get deeply meaningful and said something along the lines of civilians not being capable of understanding the horrors of war: “Only soldiers can.” Right, lady. Never ever, in the history of

I’m aware that Joss Whedon is sleazy towards women, so I’m also really curious what Ray Fisher is alleging to when he says Whedon created a “toxic work environment”. And I’d also like to hear some other voices, too, maybe from actors who longer work with him because they might be at more liberty to do so. So far,

I used to as well, but apparently it’s better for the waiters to stack the plates, because they have a better idea of how to stack them properly in order to carry them back without problems. So I just say “Thank you” when they clear up the table.

I agree with the first part, so here’s just some speculation from me on the second part: Leia’s homeplanet is still gone, and the Skywalker homestead is the only place left that is in any way connected to the Skywalker family.

There’s always CGI. Like they did with the young Leia in Rogue: One.

Isn’t military service compulsory in Israel, for men and women?

When Britney and her sister were kids/teens, their mother was more involved in their career, not the father.

All power to the House of Mouse :/

The fines could be tied to the average income of the accused. For example, smoking in a non-smoking area could be fined with 5% of a monthly income (or average monthly income, if you don’t have regular income).

Now playing

I loved that movie! The only moment I found unrealistic (but it had to happen this way for plot reasons) was the looooong silence after their semi-final performance. The clapping would’ve started sooner.

But aren’t girls named after their mother? So Sigrit’s surname should’ve been Helkasdottir.

Honestly, can you blame us?

What’s your opinion of Rock Steady?

Didn’t she force his hand?

I get that. I was being sarcastic.

It’s interesting that in a country which hates workers’ unions so much, police unions are so untouchable.

Can’t think of “Huxley” without adding “Aldous” in front of it - I loathed Brave New World when we had to read it in school :/

Or How I Met Your Mother.