
I think there is some acceptable middle ground between washing oneself in dirty water or taking daily showers even if you didn’t overexert yourself. There’s even scientific proof that showering every two to three days is enough:

He’ll eliminate rape by changing the legal definition of rape. Henceforth, rape will be defined as a forced sexual encounter committed during the fourth full moon after Valentine’s Day, and only if the perpetrator is a 42-year-old man from Austin whose father was a fisherman.

Five minutes tops.

I remember an interview where Sophie Turner said that D&D had told her she’d get a “love interest” in season 5. That’s certainly one way to call a rapist.

I missed that completely. Thank God.

The prequel was unwatchable.

Trump had been a brand long before setting his eyes on politics and developed trumpism. It may not have been a good brand, but for reasons that I really cannot fathom, it was a successful ones. These guys don’t want to invest the time to build up a brand first. They want to start at the end.

Erdogan threatens to withdraw from the deal Turkey has made with the EU regarding Syrian refugees. It’s a shitty deal and certainly makes no side looks good in terms of morality and human rights, but it exists, and the EU has a vested interest in keeping it going. So basically, the EU is there because in this one

Maybe if there actually was explicit and unequivocal gay representation, people wouldn’t latch onto every male/male relationship as having possibly gay vibes.

Given that a large amount of articles are devoted to Disney+ shows, it’s actually a nice change of pace. Otherwise they might as well rebrand themselves as the Disney+ blog.

I suppose it’s always a turn for the worse if you start believing your own hype.

I don’t know - justice would happen? That’s an awful thought, apparently.

Here’s my general problem with villain origin stories (which is one reason why I’m sitting this one out, even if the cast, the writing, the direction, the plot etc. turn out to be perfect):

She didn’t claim it never existed before Trump. But under Trump (as well as during his candidacy), this bothsideism gave lies and misinformation the same amount of time as facts, as if they were both of equal value. And to be honest, I’d rather read about the actual politics of someone instead of “Look, he’s spending

Looks more revolutionary for a photo-op? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Often enough they don’t even want others to get what they themselves got. Because others don’t deserve it for some reason, unlike them.

People bully Meghan and Harry, so Charles and Camilla have to be bullied as well? Because justice??!

What’s John Oliver done to enrage you?

Adding Tim Curry to a franchise is always a step in the right direction.

What strikes me as particularly bizarr is that this workplace is Disney. As in THE family company Disney. The company who is all for producing child-friendly products. So other people should have children to be consumers of their products. But their own employees should not?