I’m pretty sure the guys had prepared the room with something flammable or a fire accelerant, as part of the plan.
I’m pretty sure the guys had prepared the room with something flammable or a fire accelerant, as part of the plan.
Wasn’t she talking about a current trend in media? Her movie came out in 1986, so it’s not exactly part of anything “current”.
I agree that arranged royal marriages are somewhat a different case in matters of the heart, but he still very publicly humiliated his wife by giving Lyanna his token at the tournament. Feelings aside, that was an asshole move.
I just think that she’s only started to realize her impact on her personal history this season, after hearing about Jack’s survival. Last season had been all about where she personally belongs, who she loves more, etc. Then she was all caught up in trying to change a major part of history, and given that she’s not a…
And Frank deserves non-existence?
This week’s episode suggests that our girl Claire has built some sort of mental firewall within her brain that allows her to continue working to stop the Jacobite Rising without a care for its impact on history, while fighting anything that might jeopardize Frank’s existence.
I’m all for Lyanna having been a willing participant in her own abduction, though I hope she was at least a bit upset when she heard about the murder of her father and brother at the hands of the Mad King (unless these news had been kept from her?). So no, I don’t think of Rhaegar as a rapist. He is, however, still a…
The Stark direwolves are not the last in the world, but direwolves are indeed rare, at least south of the Wall.
But the toy is inside a yellow plastic egg which you would definitely notice inside your mouth! I really don’t get it. Here in Germany we just have a warning label “not appropriate for children under three years of age” put onto the wrapping.
Isn’t that what they actually did? I remember reading that they put Dr. Strange into Nepal, so why shouldn’t the Ancient One be Nepalese as well?
It has become more common in recent years in Germany. Some places make you pay upfront, some simply ask you to tip the cleaning personell (you can choose not to do that, but that’s considered bad form). Restaurants usually don’t charge you, but they do expect you to actually be a paying customer in order to use their…
Does anyone know how pregnant women wore corsets in the 1740s, or if they did at all? Because by now Claire’s well into her second trimester if I recall correctly (they’ve been in Paris for a few months now, and she was already pregnant on the ship to France). But you barely see that when she’s in costume. If it…
The Dorne plot in the series was ridiculous. And I really “loved” how they reduced the Sand Snakes to unreasonable harpies hellbent on taking revenge on a child (the change they did to book!Ellaria was especially egregious). And then they do it in broad daylight. And they assassinate her in a way that makes them look…
I think the only person we’ve ever seen pooping was Tywin, so maybe everybody else has constipation.
The focus was pretty big on Cersei in season 5, and her story arc from the books was actually completed, so no, the series wouldn’t have needed more focus on her. How about the Riverlands, though? That’s where Jamie was supposed to be, and where we would bring in the Freys and the Tullys again (because after skippin…
Isn’t Black Jack Randall still needed to become Frank’s ancestor? His survival isn’t really a surprise then, at least not for the audience, given that we have seen Frank in this new timeline, i.e. his existence hasn’t been erased.
Given that she seemed to have feelings for both Aurora and Philipp, I always thought of her as bi.
If somebody didn’t want me to do a thing and then harrassed me about it, I’d likely do the thing just out of spite. If he’s a real Sanders supporter, he’s not doing him a favor. If he’s a troll trying to get people to be upset with Sanders, then he’s really doing his job.
People suck :( I mean, I like both characters, and I really hate this “die for my ship” mentality that some people seem to have.
Laurel stopped being a romantic rival for anyone in season 2.