
Yeah, I never got the “engaged is not married” point she made. Lorelai is a responsible adult, and even if I might understand her being uncomfortable with her daughter and her friends sleeping over with an adult person neither she nor the other parents knew, that point still made no sense.

I didn’t hate April, I only hated how Luke transformed because of her (not that she made him do that, he did that all by himself). And when he told Lorelai that he can’t elope because “I have April”, I wanted Lorelai to yell back “So what, I have Rory, what’s your goddamn problem?!” Seriously, April liked Lorelai, so

The summary is just for the premiere, which means that in episode 1, Jon Snow is dead. That might actually be a factual statement. It doesn’t say anything about whether or not he stays dead in the following episodes.

Except that Ned told Cersei to her face that he knew about her children and gave her an ultimatum, so it’s not like Cersei would’ve been taken by surprise if it hadn’t been for Sansa. I may not have liked Sansa’s action, but really, Ned’s at fault here as well, because he underestimated Cersei and trused Littlefinger.

And we’d very much like to keep it that way.

I must’ve read those stories from some other country then. I thought Planned Parenthood was US-American organization under heavy attack, but I guess I was wrong.

So what are you saying? Only poor people are allowed to be scared in a war?

I’m just glad the sexual assault aspect doesn’t fall under the table completely, what with everyone focussing on the refugees right after the event.

I’m curious: What would you consider a landslide-win? Because they jumped in from zero representation, which I consider a lot. Jumping from zero to majority would’ve been impossible (I hope!). And in Sachsen-Anhalt they became the second largest party in the state parliament, so that’s definitely huge.

How many asylum seekers came to Germany last year? I don’t know the numbers, but I suppose it’s roughly the same as in Sweden; around 150 000.

At least you aren’t being harrassed by angry protesters on your way to or from an abortion. But yes, abortion is rather restricted here.

Overwhelmingly, throughout Germany, the Flüchtlinge have been welcomed by the country’s citizens and processed by the understandably overwhelmed local authorities as quickly as possible. Even in small towns where space is contested already because small, housing has been found for everyone.

Yeah, I never got the appeal of Jess. He was nice to Rory and a jerk to everyone else for no reason. Truth be told, for most of season 2 I thought he was just being nice to Rory because it pissed off Dean (another issue, to be sure, but that doesn’t make Jess’ behavior any better). I liked the development of his

Or let me put it this way: What could he have said that wouldn’t sound like “damage control” to you?

So he should just not say anything at all?

It does not cost money to join “Pottermore”, where the hell did you get that? You can buy stuff there, but you don’t have to.

You are aware that the show has already changed so many things that the books will not go exactly the same way as the show? So I’m not sure the show is actually spoiling anything. At best, you can say that the show will present how characters get from point A to point B in that way, whereas the books will show the

Haven’t heard that one before. Then again, is the Daily Mail a serious paper? Or am I confusing it with another “Daily something” newspaper?

12 of the people arrested are linked to sex crimes. 467 is the number of victims of various kinds of sexual assault.