That’s of course possible. On the other hand, if she actually hated it, do you think she’d say so?
That’s of course possible. On the other hand, if she actually hated it, do you think she’d say so?
In my case, it was the father introducing his daughter to the original trilogy. He also introduced me to The Lord of the Rings. Yeah, my dad’s awesome.
After re-reading it, I felt like the fallout with Gale happened slowly over the course of the third book. I also think it was somewhat mutual in the end.
She only took a step back until the studio “ruined” Eclipse in her opinion, so she took over completely for the two Breaking Dawn movies.
Unless you were a nun, writes Brigid Schulte in a piece earlier this year for Daily Life about time management for women, “women have never had a history or culture of leisure.”
I’ve seen it, but I cannot find the links right now. Anyways, I don’t think I’ll change your opinion or you’ll change mine, so we might as well stop arguing.
That’s anecdotal evidence: So you never ever personally witnessed it, therefore it never ever happened?
Sorry, English isn’t my first language. I meant disregard.
All these years the male version was the only one (ME 1&2, even in ME3 he was still predominant) present in trailers and videos, and the people complaining about that were discarded as “feminazis”. Now it’s a trailer only with fem!Shep and all of a sudden we should totally have equal representation! Funny how that…
He only wants it for himself, not for anyone else. And that makes him a hypocrite.
There was literally no way she could pump and leave a supply with the sitter she clearly can afford to hire and bring to a conference with her?
I’ve seen a Starbucks in Vienna, AKA the city most famous for its many traditional coffee houses. Granted, it’s quite possible that within their field Starbucks has a higher quality than Dominos has in theirs, but generally, they’re welcome to try.
a) Why would he meet with her? Seriously, of all the people to meet and greet, why her?
Could you explain to me what Pinkham’s Law is? I know C.A. Pinkham is the person behind Kitchenette, but I didn’t know there was an Internet law named after them.
If you’re wondering whether those same rules apply to men, you won’t be surprised to learn that they don’t.
By the way, President Obama’s practice of jumping in cases prematurely to interject himself as the cool savior, wanting so badly to attach himself to the issue-of-the-day, got old years ago.
That was how many years ago? A whole world war happened in between. Talk about holding a grudge here. Also, it’s not like Mary didn’t immediately retaliate. They should’ve called it quits then.
There were times when Edith kind of had it coming, but lately, more often than not it is just uncalled for. Being bitchy only for the sake of being bitchy is stupid.
It’s quite possible that he’s only coming around this idea of female leads now. Not because he’s a bad person, but from his priviledged perspective maybe he’s simply never seen that there was a problem.