I played Prospero, which was really nice, in an evil sort of way.
I played Prospero, which was really nice, in an evil sort of way.
No no, it might just imply that she’s not feeling fulfilled in her current job and is therefore looking for new challenges.
A few years ago a “registered partnership” was offered as an “alternative” to gay marriage here. It’s basically a civil union, but without most of the benefits of an actual civil union. Now at least they get the same tax status as married couples.
The Bechdel test says nothing about the overall quality of the movie or even if the female characters are well-written. It’s really just a very little line to be crossed, and it’s just astonishing how many movies still fail to pass it. Especially when you see how many named male characters are capable of talking to…
How about not killing endangered species for whatever reason? That might be a good start.
And she’s totally objective here, right?
I’m getting so tired of people pulling Hitler out of their asses when they try to make an “apt” comparison. Hitler, Nazis and the Holocaust have become standard equivalents for “anything that I don’t like and/or disagree with”. The problem I see here is that turning Hitler into your standard bogeyman trivializes the…
My husband added my name to his with a hyphen and I kept mine. Any future children will also bear my name. The reason was simply that his name is very generic and mine’s not.
Thanks a lot!
What show is this from?
I would’ve accepted Stannis on the Iron Throne if he had not attached himself to Melisandre in such a horribly fanatic way. Still, I thought Shireen would’ve been the one line he wouldn’t cross, but then he went ahead and did it.
And you knows Davos and Stannis are never, ever, ever, getting back together. Like, ever.
He’s a crowned king, so his blood is “kingly”, I suppose.
I don’t get it. Here are people (happily married, even!) that want to have children, which is one of conservatives’ essentials to life itself. But they don’t want to help? And it’s even for people who did service, so the military lovers should totally get behind that.
Little did she know, the night was about to get worse
No, it should definitely be her. But Theon can help.
o_O It takes a special kind of person to ignore all the development a character goes through because they were “mean” several seasons ago. Besides, Arya can give as good as she gets, she’s not the helpless victim of a bullying older sister.
But lots of show-only fans, I’ve noticed, were still on the “THEON AND SANSA SUCK!” train. Last night might change that.
Of all the songs presented in last year’s Eurovision, the Netherland’s song is the only one I regularly get to listen to on the radio. So things worked out well enough for them ;)
I may not agree with her on Scotland’s independence, but that’s just a disagreement and no excuse to become abusive.