
I thought it worked because Black Widow is the “people person” of the group: She reads people like an open book, just look how she played Loki like a violin in the first movie. Which is why it’s only fitting that she finds a non-destructive way of getting the Hulk to de-hulk. I mean, as impressive as the Hulkbuster

Above anything, I would like people to say, ‘OK, she’s human.’”

Actually Stephenie Meyer was pissed with some of the changes the movie makers of Eclipse did, so she got more involved in the making of the two Breaking Dawn movies. So actually, James is copying her once again.

In an AP Online interview, James says that she kept the books "coyly written" because "women don't like salacious slang."

I never heard that before! The one I hear most often is "Warmduscher" (loose translation for the non-German speaking crowd: someone who takes a warm shower, i.e. a not very brave person).

The translation would be "Fick dich ins Knie", not something to be said in polite conversation.

Wait, isn't Chuck Johnson the guy who threatened to expose the alleged rape victim from the Rolling Stones interview? That Chuck Johnson? He's a member of #teamslutshaming, isn't he?

I'm sure your invitation got lost in the mail :)

Maybe they use just the title and the last name: "Chancellor Merkel" or "Presidential Candidate for the Democratic Party Clinton"?

My thoughts exactly.

When you were in Vienna, did you eat Sachertorte? Because it's really delicious, but only at the original Haus Sacher. However, I* preferred the Anna Demel Haus; they created the Annatorte (Anna cake) because of a copyright dispute with Haus Sacher, and it's basically half cake, half nougat - very unhealthy, extremely

Good comparison, unless you wish to equate Franz Josef with Joffrey :/

Yeah, it was basically one of the Heimatfilms which were all the rage in the 1950s.

I actually prefer a different painting of Sisi by Winterhalter:

I'd like to say History because I love(d) that subject, but I'm afraid Binns might ruin it for me. So Ancient Runes, maybe?

Just look at the outrage about the suggested women's quota for market-listed companies, which may basically only affect about a hundred or so women. Yeah, we totally don't have a problem with sexism here o_O

There is catcalling in Germany.

And you know that these prison sentences are ALL about horrible There are a lot of crimes which get a prison sentence - a well-known football manager is currently serving jail time because of tax fraud, for example.

Yeah, Darren Wilson's life is over - figuratively. Whereas Mike Brown's life is also over - literally. But I guess we know who has it worse, right?

Congratulations, my favourite wicked commentary! :)