
I just hope Whoppi Goldberg doesn't repeat her "rape rape" comment, because I lost so much respect for her that day.

Didn't she sing in the first Hunger Games movie already? That was actually sweet.

I don't really see why the focus has to be on women here; just non-violent offenders in general.

Are the people who complain about breastfeeding women the same people who criticize mothers who feed their babies with formula? Because if that's not hypocritical, I don't know what is.

No, I did not! Hmm...

I figured that, just like any other cake, you're not supposed to eat it alone. If you get together with three or four of your friends, each one could have a slice and thus eat approximately one whole* pizza. That's not really too much, is it?

I guess they were wondering why no one sent a list of demands to the grieving husband - given that he had offered 1,000 pounds for a reward, a possible kidnapper might have found this a nice incentive to return the lady. Unless you mean to imply that she was kidnapped as a sex slave - which is, of course, possible,

Fair enough :)

Re: your first point, wouldn't they find a body then? As for the police's behavior, I conceded that they may not be the best men on the job.

Right, I got confused there.

Yes, he does. But not at the scene with the belt. That's later in the book, and I remember being very uncomfortable reading that scene. It didn't ruin the series for me, but damn, I hated Jamie then.

DO YOU GUYS SERIOUSLY JUST NOT THINK WOMEN EVER GET MURDERED? Don't give me that Sherlock Holmes nonsense—the simplest explanation is that Claire was FUCKING MURDERED.

I think it'll end with an "oh shit"-cliffhanger = Claire being rescued from drowning (?) and realizing that her rescuer is Jack Randall.

Just imagine their kids one day using the internet or even just talking with classmates in school. How long will it take for them to find out that their mother had lied to them?

What is it with fanfictions always having to make Hermione OH SO PRETTY?! How shallow is that?! And of course the "Ravenclaws" are evil - they are the smart* ones, the ones that love knowledge.

And the other neighbors are okay with it?

What if the pictures were taken by another person but with her camera? Does she own the pictures then? Not that it should matter.

You deserve better.

I always thought Ms. Obama had muscles instead of fat, which would make her look less "thin" (whatever that means) but definitely not unhealthy. Quite the opposite, actually.

How about finally a) admitting that what he did was an actual rape of a 13-year-old girl, b) feeling truly sorry for doing it, and c) accepting punishment for it. She may have forgiven him, and that's her right. But that doesn't mean that he can just act as if nothing had ever happened. You do something bad, then you