
there is something even more horribly wrong about having Wesley on not just the ship but the bridge


You're complaining that Idris Elba didn't enjoy doing a reshoot of a comic book character, that isn't super important to those movies, the day he gets back to England from shooting a film in which he was Mandela?

Twin Peaks is equally abused in this manner. Televisions shows and films are occasionally described as "a bit like Twin Peaks" when I'm like, no, it's not.

It's like Ghost meets Out of Africa.

At the end of the day, I still prefer Nintendo, the game-first, business-second company that they come across as, as opposed to the business-first, games-second mentality of so many other greedy companies.

The figure will be sold for $300. A limited edition version of the figure with the "Hand Under Foot" accessory will be sold for $315

What else are you supposed to assume? That the commenter is noting the ridiculous use of advertising in interviews, which is painfully over the top. The CUTV thing is there, but not in the middle at all, and the fact that you focused on it says nothing about the OP and a lot of things about you. Think context.

That is incredibly depressing.

Are those bangs? I ask because it looks more like a widow's peak which means her hair is pulled back which then makes you realize she has no forehead!

The 2014 movie ones are even more removed from the original designs.

Uh....did Lisa Frank throw up on her, or what?

I know this is not technically a re-design, but it was it was a horrifying move in the utterly wrong direction....Mike Myers "Cat in the Hat". The worst piece of garbage I have ever seen. They actually have The Cat scream "SON OF A BI—-". And also hold up a garden hoe and say, "Dirty Hoe". It goes on and on.

It took me a very confused and frightening minute to realize that the costume is on a mannequin. Thooooooose eyes!

I have to agree here. The redesign of the characters is definitely the smallest problem that game has.

I stand by that Boom's designs are not bad, plus Sega stopped using Chubby sonic a while ago.

Wonder Woman: No Matter Who Makes It We Still Don't Understand That Top Needs Straps To Hold It Up

Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey

Am I the only one who doesn't believe anything the guy says anymore? Lucas has such a long history of contradicting himself it is ridiculous. His answer to "How many movies had you initially planned?" changes everytome you ask him the question.