
Nothing tops this though in terms of quickly taking advantage of an ephemeral cultural phenomena.

I have yet to be shown what is lost if we take the more cautious approach and not use children (note the verb) for commercial purposes, in any fashion, until they reach the age of majority and are no longer children.

Both my kids have done modelling and it’s not a big deal if you don’t make it a big deal.

I totally agree with your sentiment.

Why because you’re an idiot who needs something to be outraged or offended by but you couldn’t quite articulate this in your own words so it’s better to let others do it for you?

This whole mess brings the feminist vs anti-feminist argument full circle. They saw something they didn’t like and immediately attacked Whedon for it so viciously that he left Twitter. Seriously, there are thousands of these angry tweets. The social justice advocates who always preach against bullying just bullied

She’d make a great pennywise

I first read that as ISIS cargo ship.

Shirobako should be mandatory viewing for today’s anime fans. I know that after I watched it, I find myself being much more sympathetic to TV-broadcast anime, just because of how absolutely grueling it can be to complete an episode and push it out on time. You can still say that stuff like this is “inexcusable”, but

Bill Sienkiewicz would give it a weird feel no matter how bad the writing...

I have to agree, the gif really isn’t something that should be the main page image.

We terrifying female newcomers will not stop until we’ve appropriated every corner of nerd culture and thrown all the men out. For there is nothing we hate more than (white, straight) men having nice things. We will grind them beneath our stilettos using fake outrage while we pretend to care about nerdy things for

Too bad, you would be so proud of me.

I get you’re just joking, but I don’t really get what Disney sequels have to do with this.

The other is Mervyn Peakes "Gormenghast". I once read a review that said peake only wrote because he couldn't get it all in a picture which seemed perfect, the book is so wonderfully descriptive one can't help but feel the castle all around.

Taran Killam's Catherine O'Hara is uncanny

It's somewhat akin to those people who don't like it and say you're dumb if you disagree.

Does it state anywhere that he actually died or is dead? Did any characters say it?

Yup. Another show that looks like Adventure Time... can never have too many of those....

...God I miss Justice League Unlimited...

I laugh every time I see this scene. It's just such an awesomely corny, syrupy sweet way to end it that makes almost no logical sense at all.