
I agree.

That’s a weird story.

God, those movies are terrible.

That’s enough.

Their work can be pretty hit or miss but at least they take risks in an industry that is plagued with generic assembly-line produced superhero movies, remakes, and sequels. It’s pretty refreshing.

“That’s just...?”

It’s all style and no substance. The show is dripping with portentous dialogue, I’ve never seen a show where characters talk so much but say so little. The plot is very wandering and half-baked.

“I thought you peed into vaginas during sex, for an embarrassingly long time.”

You’re right, reading his user name is hard, isn’t it?

Why not? Great idea!

I’d let him top...

I work in television animation in North America, and yeah, people are fairly ignorant to the insane deadlines that result in quality lapse. It has nothing to do with the talent of the team and everything to do with a suit eager to get to the bottom line. This is also true of live action and film.

“If You Haven’t Been Watching Agents Of SHIELD, You’ve Cheated Yourself”

“ I’m assuming we’re still getting the game in April as scheduled.”

I don’t watch the show, but the man in the header image is entirely do-able.

You should send him a message and let him know. Considering how totally non-critical people are on the internet about dumb shit I’m sure he’s probably entirely unaware and would appreciate being informed.

Story-wise I thought the first issue was pretty weak, the art however was fantastic (not surprising, Sophie Campbell is fantastic) so I’m hoping the next issue will pick up a bit.

I love how disconnected from reality gamers can get, it can be pretty entertaining.

She’s a god-like superhero, she can wear whatever the hell she wants.

Well that looked... dumb. Ugh.