
Hey Pot, meet Kettle.

the house style seems to be, "Write as if you are an expert, in a tone assuming that everything one needs to know about a subject can be found in your article."

I have no idea what this movie is about, because I didn't have headphones, but I watched the whole thing...

"Doesn't he still make racist and rape jokes all the time though?"

Highlighting what is important here.

Since I have a pitch black, and dry as a good martini sense of humor...i typically refer to things as Sacralicious....

I refer to my boss as Supernintendo Robinson all the time.

Simpsons change English? That's unpossible!

Well, 'meh' has a long pre-Simpsons history, also, since it was a Yiddish word that can be traced back at least to the thirties.

Final Fantasy is a prime example of a franchise that could use going back to it's origins to regain it's soul and initial drive.

I was always privately sure that Hagrid was going to die at some point in the series.