
Doll culture is weird.

A few years ago when I first got Netflix and was still a student, I went through a period of mild depression (stressed, home sick, etc.) where I would come home after class and drink (heavily) and watch whatever shitty Friday the 13th sequel I came across first. They became weird comfort films and I've seen them all

Stop posting the exact same thing on this website and slashfilm. You're not a celebrity, you don't need to release PR statements about everything across a wide net of websites, your opinions are not as clever as you seem to think they are.

"Although the new one had the apple design chic going for it"

Take a Xanax, they already ran this franchise into the ground 26 years ago with the shitty sequel. "We've only had Ghostbusters for like 3 seconds." YOU don't have anything, you're just a demographic buying a ticket for a calculated corporate product, get over yourself.

The fuck...

I started drawing a really dumb young-reader's comic book in a lame faux-manga style that is a Pokemon knock off about kids who live in a futuristic utopia who battle each other with Genies.

Yup. I work as a concept artist and I'm currently working on a new animated children's television series/franchise that is in development and this kind of obsessiveness is par for the course. Exhausting, but very normal.

That was awful

Tha fuck is wrong with u whitey?

Tha fuck did I just read?

Having a teenage character simply differentiates him from the other characters. How many other Marvel movie heroes are teens? It creates an interesting dynamic, rather then another 30-something dude.

"sheer overwhelming beauty"

"We're starting to worry about Jurassic World."

I completely agree. Know when to pack it in and find different work, and also start using condoms.

Take a Xanax.


I love how defensive your responses to this have been.

Yeah it's really bizarre the way people romanticize Snape. He's a bitter asshole, I don't care if it was motivated by unrequited stalkerish love. Alan Rickman was perfect.