
If it feels like its dragging and everyone hopes it ends as soon as it can, then it actually got the essence of the game pretty well.

Meh, about the voice. I just can’t stand this type of animation. Cel shading was kind of a cool gimmick 20 years ago, but now it just looks cheap.

> unicorns (or “ponies with face boners,” as he calls them)

what the fuck are you talking about? 

love when people defend 200 million dollar movies they couldn’t possibly have even seen yet.

Martin Mull was one of the funniest human beings to ever walk the Earth, and I feel like he was somehow still super underappreciated.

Jesus, you can’t even get to take the long weekend for an organ transplant these days. 

Sounds like this guy is going about it in an a-hole way, so I’m not going to boost him by going and looking at it myself, but the core point – that the customer shouldn’t bear the responsibility for the service worker’s salary – is correct, and if everyone simply kow-tows to the notion that they should spare a

Companies should pay their workers a living wage.  Tipping culture is anti-consumer. 

Episodes of Pete & Pete were like daydreams.
What if rock-paper-scissors against the school bully was an epic affair?
What if everyone at the pool went to war over adult swim?
What if you befriended the ice cream man who only visits during the summer?
What if high school wrestling matches were like professional wrestling

“And the winner of Best Other…”

I have an idea what public response to this change would look like.  

I guess you could split up the acting categories by genre to keep the number the same (best performer/supporting performer in a drama and comedy/musical), but there should be a rule that you can only be nominated for one performing category in a year to spread it out.

Fascists have no practical ideology outside of expressing how “prosecuted” they are despite reality telling otherwise.

Somehow it escaped them until now that yes—it’s always been about them.

Well, duh! Actors like Messing are probably used to flattering slimy entertainment industry bigwigs for the sake of their jobs, but that doesn’t mean she’d endorse him for president of the country. Plus, Messing’s show was off the air by the time Trump launched his campaign, so she certainly didn’t have to pretend

Tomorrow on Gizmodo: “These Are the Best AI Meme Animators You Can Use Right Now”

Have you SEEN “This Film Is Not Yet Rated”? The MPAA is like 10 people.

I think it was Blame Canada, performed by Robin Williams for the telecast.

The new millennium Disney output did include The Emperor's new groove, which during its torturous production went from being a generic Disney Formula Animated movie ( with a Sting soundtrack) , to somehow being the least Disney like and also most funny Disney animated movie.