
Most customer service reps can also give you a small something for your time in addition to the resolution of your initial problem, like a credit or discount for future purchases. If it’s taken multiple calls, a long wait time, etc., I’ve often found if I politely point out the time and effort I had to spend to fix

Congratulations, I guess, to this comment section for unironically demonstrating how personally affronted the stupid and selfish among us feel when anyone asks them to consider making even an unbelievably minor change that would make existence slightly less miserable for the people around them. Because, waaaaaaaah, I

SmileDirectClub is a scam. Don’t do it. They’ll lie at every turn and eventually just start stealing money out of your bank account in small increments in hopes you don’t notice.

I’m seriously, 100% not making that up.

I’ve had to file complaints with my State’s Attorney General about it and am working with a few

SmileDirectClub is a scam. Don’t do it. They’ll lie at every turn and eventually just start stealing money out of

Holy crap, this is all spurious as fuck. For one, all your sources are suspicious, first-result Google clickbait articles. But even going from the sources you DO provide:

The Grammarist entry for “taste of one’s own medicine” (which you don’t link to for obvious reasons) doesn’t cite ANY sources. NONE. ZERO. For all we

Jez gonna Jez. What content would even be on this site anymore if it wasn’t making constant overblown, misinformed, bordering on intentionally lying accusations? Sometimes I can’t help but wonder these days if Jezebel hasn’t been taken over by a Russian troll farm to pump out misinformation for the kneejerk left to

Not sure what’s going on with this site, but most plant options are greyed out after I put in my location, and the ones I can select all say “not recommended” for my zone, including for crops that my area has been known for as long as I’ve been alive. So, you know, kind of entirely useless.

Yeah, “an attempted racism cancelation” zealously led by Jezebel and the Gizmodo family of sites. You can’t just put your torches and pitchforks behind your back now and pretend you weren’t the ones at the front of the mob trying to whip up outrage.

Microsoft needs to spend more time fixing the actual functionality of their sloppy-ass software and less time forcing stupid, useless “features” that do nothing but get in the way and constantly changing the layout.

He also thinks stealth planes are literally invisible.

If you don’t already have a Stadia account, it just makes you sign up for one to satisfy that “need to have used Stadia” condition before letting you order the free bundle.

“Oh, no, no, faggot isn’t a slur again gay people. It’s used to police masculinity’ and to say that it’s like you’re gay, which you should be ashamed about.

I have the same problem. It always just ends up back in my mailbox, even if I scribble over the little bar code. I’ve even written in big, red sharpie RETURN TO SENDER - THIS PERSON IS NOT AT THIS ADDRESS, and two days later there it is again in my mailbox. Maybe I’ll try the sticky note method described here, with

I didn’t know this would was the defacto season finale, and I didn’t know that Delroy Lindo and Cush Jumbo were leaving. I love both their characters, and that’s a huge hole to blow in the show. Hopefully they’ll at least be like America Ferrera on Superstore and agree to come back whenever the show is able to tie up

I just listened to this Hidden Brain episode. Lasting change really is about making those small tweaks, and removing or creating “friction” in order to persuade yourself to do better.

To me, Little Graduation felt like it was exploring the side of Steven that comes from Pink/Rose—Steven’s certainly nicer about it, but just like his mom, he “collects” people. He doesn’t treat them like they’re their own people, but rather pieces on a game board he and only he should get to move around. He gets upset

The code doesn’t make this cost $18; it take$18 off the $46 price. It’s still $28.

The code doesn’t make this cost $18; it take$18 off the $46 price. It’s still $28.

I always felt like seasons 1 and especially 2 were making the argument that the concepts of heaven and hell were in themselves immoral. You get 80 years if you’re lucky, to take a few swings at not being a total trash bag, with no indication of how the game actually works, and then you spend forever either in paradise

I really disliked this episode. As short as it was, it was still too long. I think it was trying to make some sort of point about political bickering and opportunism, but this show is so messy that it didn’t really land for me. It’s a funny premise that this kid just wants somewhere to jackoff in peace and to look at

No dice for me. I “enabled” them, then tried to remove them, and no matter what, they reappear in my favorites. My “frequently used” is all memoji, despite the fact I’ve never once used them.

Neither of these do anything to disable or even hide Memojis. This is some clickbait nonsense.