
Except that arizona's mental health care is abysmal because funding was cut so badly. He most likely would be eligible for nothing state related until he does something severe enough to be categorized as seriously mentally ill. And his parents obviously won't pay for it since they think there's nothing wrong. Help

My younger self would be very worried I didn't stay religious and all. But otherwise, my younger self would pretty pretty psyched about my science career. And that I'm living by myself in a big city with a lot of options to go out into nature would've definitely excited 7 year old me. Younger me might have been a

Yes, those people make me angry. The ones that are sociopaths trying to get attention or money... The grown adults who may believe it because of their own issues but choose to push it on children and hurt other people in general and really do have a choice in it... The people who do it because they like having a group

exactly. I have no idea if he's violent or not. But having grown up in that environment, I know that even non-psychotic people can be pushed to consider suicide as rational (and I imagine violence) with the line of thinking extremism can take you down. There's definitely some sort of mental issue driving it, even if

Thank you. I just posted a similar opinion. I understand the first reaction is anger, having experienced sexual abuse myself, but it would also be helpful for people to have some empathy that he is probably both mentally ill/distressed and grew up in an environment that was most likely emotionally and psychologically

While this is horrible, it also makes me very sad. Probably because it doesn't seem like anyone is actually listening to him, so I can think about why he's like that without forgetting about people he's hurting. This really screams some sort of mental issue. Having grown up in that kind of mindset, I know how easy it

How is it legal for the police to sponsor it? Is it somehow not considered religious?

That's so obnoxious. And they feel so "victimized" because girls won't date them. No it's not because you're into nerdy things like computers. No one cares. It's because you're an asshole! Ugh, done ranting now...

As someone who makes about that amount in my stipend as a science researcher (but only if I worked 40hrs/week, which I am expected to work way more), I have a hard time justifying them requiring a tip if they made that in my city. I can live off that without a roommate and with a car payment for a decent car. And I do

I totally agree. No job should allow a violation of your rights, and you should not be forced to consent to something 24-7. When celebrities are at events, of course there will be pictures taken. That is a part of the job. It is not a part of the job when they are going to the grocery store or whatever.

I will tip 20% in all places that don't do this, but I am completely for this. What the tipping wage has done is created this culture where we are supposed to feel guilty for something that is the responsibility of the business. If the server is not doing their job, the business should fire them. If people don't like

That's scary. I will occasionally mix up spelling or grammar if I am writing very quickly but I know how to use it and can easily catch it if I reread it. I'm not a grammar nazi by any means, but I do think teachers of all people should have fairly decent grammar and spelling.

Oh no problem! I misunderstood you as well! It's hard to understand over only text for me as well. I agree that tax should be included. It can even vary by city and it's very confusing.

She just seems really annoying and whiny and self righteous to me. Maybe that's just her image but I know I couldn't handle someone who constantly whined about everyone they've ever dated for any amount of time and made everything the other person's fault. That sounds pretty boring and annoying if she's really how she

I don't understand why we think celebrities should be allowed to be stalked. I know I am fairly extreme in my views on privacy and the right to control over your body, personal space, and image, but even with less extreme views, I don't see why they can be stalked. That would result in a restraining order if he

I'm arguing for including it and the tip in the price. I said I liked that when I went to Europe and that I hope the US becomes like that eventually... Until then I will tip but nowhere did I say tax or tip shouldn't be included. Just that I didn't realize that's how it worked when I was in Europe and that it was nice

my guess would be that she wanted to make it look like a student did it so it wouldn't be traced back to her.

I used to know way too many IT guys just from how my particular circle of friends evolved, and while some were decent people, many were entitled assholes in general. They had the whole "nice guy" complex and thought they were the most special thing on the planet. And I definitely saw the bad tipping. I don't know if

yes I have noticed my college friends are way better at this then my parents' friends. And don't get me started on growing up in church and how badly they tipped and behaved when they went out. And when I was in food and retail, I always got treated the worst by the middle aged customers who were completely

This threw me off the other direction in one European country. I kept thinking their food was so expensive because I'd have to pay tax on top of it. And I also figured out that their alcohol was expensive simply because of a high tax. Once I understood it though, it was really nice. And it was nice not worrying about