
I will argue that it’s a different six-spoke, five bolt wheel on a Forester.

R100RS with period-appropriate Luftmeister turbo kit???

Well the energy to run human beings is still going to be needed if the robocars are carting humans around. Hope that helps.

IEEE is all about electrical and electronic engineering: when asked for their solution it’s going to be an electronic one.


It’s a really great CU. Also, it’s a 911, so not exactly a high-risk investment for them.

I know they are refundable; I’m wondering if they would have the liquid assets on-hand to automatically refund all orders, or if they’d hold out

If that happens, I wonder if they’ll actually refund all the preorders.

I’ll give credit to the used car dealer I just went through -- not a statement I ever expected to say -- they asked who my bank were and when I said it was a credit union they immediately said “you’re going to get better rates through them; you should do that”. Credit union gave me 3.75% on a 22-y-o used car, too:

I’ve also got the IMS as a paperweight!

Whilst it wasn’t a dealbreaker for me, I know that the lack of a hatchback option on the 2015+ WRX was sacrilege for many.

My folks had an SHO back in the early 90s and my god that thing ATE clutches (and it’s not like my folks didn’t know how to drive MT; they both sold their quirky sportscars for something ‘family-friendly’). I still resent that Ford for being the reason I didn’t have an opportunity to inherit my dad’s 2002ti or my

I remember the perfectly-timed lights. I miss them a lot. I also understand why I now have a single red light that ruins my perfect streak of making it through Old Town.

I’m sure they are.

Agreed, but EVs, being de-facto technological showcases, are almost guaranteed to have it.

Horizon: Conflict Quarter-Pounder

Minimising harm is still important; don’t let perfect be the enemy of good.

EVs are cool and neat and great, etc, etc, etc, but constantly-connected consumer electronics put unprecedented control over your property in the hands of the company that sold it to you (or, as they’ll likely claim, licenced to you).

optional explosive device detection”