Are they now? Well that’s disappointing.
Are they now? Well that’s disappointing.
Yeah, that software unlock thing was enough for me to never even test ride one of these. My vehicles don’t need phone applications.
Neutral: Why would I ever be loyal to something as crass as a brand? I bought a second Subaru after owning a ‘97 Legacy because I liked the WRX. I just sold it and bought something not Subaru because they don’t make anything I want any more. Easy.
2nd gear: if it gets us the A110 I welcome the crossovers.
Everyone I know with an airhead has made and used one of these at one point to balance the Bings (or, if you’re lucky, Dell’orto PHM38s), myself included.
It’s a little disappointing that you chose the one Subaru they’ve already redesigned as your example photo.
Those paragons of virtue and restraint? Never!
I have run my shin into a rattle-can-black tow ball before and I’m pretty certain I invented new curses never heard of before or since. It was a friend’s truck, too: he has since removed it when not in use.
There are percentage requirements based on the number of parking spaces in a lot.
There are going to be a lot of very valid pet hates in this comment section, and I likely agree with a number of them, but one I want to mention is people who leave the tow ball attached to their cars when they’re not towing anything drive me crazy. Thank you for leaving a small, immobile piece of steel hanging out…
I am here for your scathing -- and correct -- takes.
Maybe use the material from chainsaw chaps in order to jam things up, but that would only really work with something that rotates.
A stainless steel version is also available if you scroll a bit further in the accessories.
Markey’s right. AM radio is low-tech in the most robust way, and extends to a lot of areas un- or under-served by mobile telephony, satellite coverage. It’s free at the point of use, just so long as you have an antenna and a radio. You can very easily build your own receiver. We also still use it worldwide. 3G cell…
You’re absolutely right.
Honestly, I’m wondering if it was a failed fuel line or maybe -- and this is a wild conjecture -- something like a linseed-based paint. Linseed oil can spontaneously combust.
Neutral: I got out on my bike and enjoyed some of the beautiful autumn weather here in Virginia. Sunday afternoon found the parkways fairly quiet, so I got to spend some time enjoying the ride without thinking too heavily over whether the 5000-lb monstrosity in the lane next to mine was going to decide they wanted to…
Oh my god you’re right: it would have been perfect.