Of cock?
Of cock?
Remember that kid from college who got really into jazz and would NOT shut up about it? He’s a famous Hollywood director now.
I’d vote for Warren Zevon’s corpse long before this numbskull.
He’s going to run, and he’s going to win because nothing matters anymore.
They blame African-Americans for getting shot while unarmed. Of course they’ll blame one for a hurricane.
It pisses me off that this asshole is going to get such a pass from the media when he invariably takes over for Trump solely because he knows when to shut up and act like he cares about people.
“My point is, the Democrats are idiots because they’ve been on the right side of most issues for decades, but they keep letting Republicans beat them with a shrinking and aging core voter base.”
I think you’re right, and that’s their strategy: easier to get stuff done with Trump than bear the damage done by removing him. They’re politicians after all; reelection overrides everything.
I don’t see why they don’t dump him sooner rather than later. He’s already proven he can’t get legislation through. Russia hangs over everything. Lose him now, take the political hit, then recover over the next year and a half with still-awful but calmer Pence, who the media is just waiting to praise as “presidential”…
The thought processes of this man. “Oh hey, millions of people are facing a terrible storm and might lose their homes or lives, let’s use the press coverage and pardon a racist asshole!”
The justice system is a flat circle
I hear some of these boxers eat steak and salad bar in the same meal. And their choice of dressing!
“I am deeply concerned...”
Nothing like a little abuse of power to start the weekend...
Add another thing he has in common with Hitler: failed artist.
This is in part why the quality of play is so bad. The NFL has changed the rules so much toward passing that it gave a position that was already more important than any other position in sports about ten times more importance. Now, only like 5 people can play QB even remotely competently. If you don’t have one of…
Then they’ll be rescued by, I don’t know, let’s say Moe.
We are using Kinja. We have always used Kinja.
Pfffft, everyone knows that wildfires are a conspiracy made up by the Chinese
We should get Bettman to try and increase global warming, then it’ll probably decline.