No Oddjob

Dear Tyin,
On behalf of everyone who isn’t insane, your concerns are valid.

As for the rest of these people who keep crying out that IT’S ALWAYS BEEN THIS WAAAAAAY, well, those sweet little puddins can camp out for the Nintendo Switch while calling for pizza on their Nokia brickphones between repeated games of Snake.

I can save you some real estate: “Why is a Nintendo product hard to find?” Because it’s Nintendo, and they suck at supply management, intentionally or otherwise.

Ah. Good call. Must not have anticipated that much demand.

Ah. Good call. Must not have anticipated that much demand.

Harmony One has pricing issues on Amazon. The one without the box is 177 and the one with is 169. Fair warning.

Harmony One has pricing issues on Amazon. The one without the box is 177 and the one with is 169. Fair warning.

That Tarkin is INCREDIBLE. It’s incredibly realistic but still has just enough caricature that adds so much life to it! I wish Rebels was more like this (although dumbed-down a bit, fidelity-wise, for reasons I guess) instead of the over the top exaggerated style they employ.

I’m afraid I can’t digest these words without a line-drawn political cartoon that labels its metaphorical aspects in an attempt to qualify them. Also with top hats and monocles and mustaches.

Well, I don’t think I’m a moron (subjective at best), and I usually figure this stuff out early. But I didn’t this time.

That is to say, I’ve avoided speculation on the internet and didn’t realize William was the MiB until Delores was on the ground saying that William would find her.

However, I did indeed notice all of

Well, that’s spoiled for me... Meh.

I don’t think there’s anything HG could have said that would have done anything but come across as defensiveness of something that couldn’t well be defended. With this update, they’re speaking through action, and it’s by all means a good update (bugs aside).

In other words, you’re

Played for a few hours last night. The beauty of the home base is that you end up gallivanting off to find stuff for it - I jumped about six systems in an hour trying to find something, whereupon I can instantly teleport back to my base from any space station, do my upkeep there, and then teleport back to that space

As a moderate OSU fan and adamant Michigan hater, I left during the 4th to go see Moana.

I stand by my decision, chains or otherwise.

Fort Wayne, here. I was shocked to hear about this.

But it’s even more poignant here because IPFW is in turmoil right now, operating at a $3 million deficit and enrollment down by 16% since last year. Their chancellor wants to cut low-enrollment programs, and naturally everyone is up-in-arms about it.

In fact, this is

CNN lost all credibility during the primaries, so why are we giving it back? They intentionally sidelined Bernie and gave scores of coverage to Trump. They’re as much to blame for the US having two assbags to choose from as anyone else. They SHOULD be scared because what they were doing wasn’t journalism in a

I feel like I’ve had to duck and weave like a featherweight boxer with every vehicle post-2000. I feel like the windshields and A-pillars are getting farther away, which makes them harder to see around with subtle head movements. And in windy subdivisions, you can lose an entire school bus behind a thick A-pillar.

Who was the KKK supposed to endorse, exactly? Or am I supposed to want them to have their suffrage revoked... I get so confused based on who’s talking at any given time right now.

So term limits are bad now? Okay, got it. I’ll scribble that down in my things-to-know-to-avoid-internet-rage notebook.

You’re not fooling me, buster! I’ve been in every theater at every cinema here in town, and after extensive research, the best seat in each one is at home on my couch, where my surround system actually functions.

Normally people who say this make me roll my eyes, but I’m done fighting the truth. I’m done missing five

I’m one of those folks who is really against abortion as a contraceptive after the fact, but I also don’t believe in anything coming down to black and white. Having said that, this should be required reading for anyone who wants to promote one “side” of the argument or the other.

Not sure. I see plenty of combat experts here who can make nice, calm, well-thought-out decisions in response to a knife flying at their faces and cutting it repeatedly. Such brilliance.

FYI, everyone, this comment is in response to a NSFW comment.

So does this kind of shit-posting get you fired, or is there literally no one with a relevance approval button on this whole goddamn website these days?