
See, it’s only “politics” when it makes right-wingers uncomfortable.

agreed, while I wish their standpoint on the mods was more a “use them if you want so long as it doesn’t impact other players” I do think the fact that they admitted they should look at the UI mods and see where they can improve the UI is a big deal and should be commended.

...and that’s another W for the FFXIV devs.

Wait I thought the right always complained when there was politics in our entertainment?

Nordic Empire Games”

This is what’s so wild to’s all fake money. And not just fake money, but much faker money than even the stock market represents - which itself fake money. Like all those “$100M in NFT’s stolen!” headlines are hilarious. That money never existed, that was just the speculative value of the NFT after a few folks

Called it lol. Crypto dork with a Tombstone-reference screen name started their own thread below to talk about Kotaku’s crypto coverage. They’re as predictable as the hot new crypto venture turning out to be giant Kafkaesque scam lmao

Why I have zero sympathy for victims of crypto scams: These people are out there simply begging to be scammed. In fact, the majority are hoping to be on the ground floor of scams in hopes of selling their worthless crap before the bottom drops out.

Can’t wait for the handful of crypto dorks to roll in here talking about how Kotaku never says anything nice about NFTs and no one understand their potential except for them and it’s all so unfair because how are they ever going to become fake crypto Pokémon pyramid scheme landlords if people know that it’s just a

“Otherdeed has generated Yuga Labs $791,688,432 or 271,425 ETH in sales so far.”

Buddy just because you were one of the proverbial fools from whom money was easily parted doesn’t mean you have to double down, unless, of course you are the proverbial who gets fooled a number of times.

“This is a reductionist argument that doesn’t take into account the benefits of NFTs”

“just like how when cloud servers first started, it doesn’t do anything that monolithic servers can’t already do.”

Please tell me how to make money crapping on NFTs. I would like to sign up for that.

Tell me one thing that blockchain does that cant be done another way easier or just as safe, especially considering the massive environmental effects of them as a whole

sucker alert!

But your comment provided ZERO examples of how it can be used correctly.  You spouted a bunch of analogies, and that’s it.  Like an NFT, nothing of value.  


(whispers) “Buddy, the grift is the use for it

“Um, I would name one thing, but you’d have to be like super-super-smart like me to understand it, which you are not, so um I can’t tell you. Also its a secret”