
This GTA remastered trilogy seem hellbent on becoming a prime example of how many ways to fuck up a re-release.

In fairness, I got bourbon body wash for a gift a year or so ago, and it’s a nice smell.

I understand why this happened considering the existing items in the game, but it’s still extremely funny to me that the recipe is just “dump some weeds on it.” Exactly what the sea bass deserves.

This is easily one of the very best launch titles for any system ever.

Rowling’s behavior actually is what completely pushed me away from this app, and led to me consciously deciding to not get my family playing as well (as they have for Pokemon Go). I doubt I’m alone.

Large companies are no longer interested in making merely SOME of The Money (TM), they are exclusively interested in making ALL of The Money (TM).

Anything that doesn’t accomplish that singular goal is at risk of termination.  Steady, mild success is seen essentially as failure.

It isn’t a completely accurate description though - they are actually environmentally destroying LINKS to JPGs. Like, you don’t even get the JPG. You get a receipt that says “I own a JPG in this spot” and then the server goes down.

Thank you for referring to NFTs as “environment-destroying JPEGs”. 

This project was just so clearly a scam from the outset that I’m baffled by the fact that the creators involved are big names who really, really are in a position to know better. Honestly, the pitch itself can be boiled down to “AO3 except we get to monetize your work if it gets too popular and also you have to pay us

when you buy an NFT you don’t own a special copy of anything. the NFT is just a file that links to a website. you don’t own that URL or even the content of the page. the person who originally created it still owns the rights to whatever is there. you just own that unique file that links to that page. this is why it’s

I’ve tried to keep up on what exactly NFTs are, and what this particular case means, and uh, is, but nope. This article seemed to sum up exactly what came to mind as I read through this dribble, it’s a scam. Plain and simple. It’s smoke and mirrors, and just a lot of dumb gobilty-gook words that mean nothing really.

People really zero in on this as a problem but I’m personally not convinced it is. To me, what matters is the illusion that your choices matter. Good writing can make it seem like they do without actually having to diverge too significantly along a branching narrative path. That’s just my opinion, though - people who

And this is why Sony approach is better. While some M.2 drive do cost more now than the console itself, eventually there will be deal or price drop from different brand that will make it more affordable. While Microsoft drive will probably stay at a fixed price.

We do have to remember that Sony did try that tactic with

Still good to be getting rid of positive references to assholes. Still not good enough because the root of internal problems (Bobby Kotick) is still around, and even if he goes, he’s probably not going to get replaced with someone who will do anything meaningful.

Not watching won’t do anything when you already gave them $13 for the month. Cancel your damn subscription and leave it canceled. And cancel Prime while you are at it, too.

As a trans woman who’s been put in the hospital and harassed incessantly by people who feel emboldened by exactly the sort of rhetoric Chapelle and Rowling spew (and that’s just this year, and in California of all places), I’m sure the comments on this post are going to just be lovely. I can’t wait to have some white,

You’re not crazy. It really is a piece a crap.

The demo for Backbone was great and got me hyped for the full game. Then I played it on Game Pass and... well, it didn’t live up to the hype. The start of the game is great. The rest of the game quickly falls off a cliff. It becomes way more linear, the puzzles become scarcer and simpler and the story falls apart.

You didn’t die and go to Hell, Sisi, at this early point of the century we’re all been living in Hell for quite some time.