
That’s the beauty of AI; train an AI to produce numbers, and as long as you don’t do any analysis of what the numbers actually correlate with, you can claim that they “measure” whatever you want.

It’s like the old stories about company A complaining about the programmers from company B being unproductive because they’re only writing a tenth the lines of code that the company A programmers are for the same tasks. CEOs rarely have any real understanding of the metrics they use to make these decisions (or even

Capitalism is an unwinnable game. 

“Human capital”

This is cancer at every level. Firing your 10% least productive rather than supporting them to improve? Cancer. Firing people based on an analysis of a vague ‘engagement’ dataset rather than far more obtainable and reliable metrics/performance reviews? Cancer. Firing people for input rather than output, basing the

Call it Johnny 9 - 5.

This is why our economic system is so destructive. Perpetual growth is not a realistic or feasible idea, so making that the main factor that causes stock prices to go up was bound to lead to things like this.

Ah, this was my mistake! I accidentally included full-length Amazon links, which can affect the way text displays if you have, say, an adblocker or something turned on. The article should show up normally now.

Death Egg isn’t the name of the robot, it’s the Death Star with Eggman’s face on it.

I also appreciate Kotaku not being a media-hole for an exploitation machine!

Amazon is a garbage company so are your tears

That’s sexual assault.


and your Ant-Mans

Fuck walled gardens. My greatest hope for this handheld is that it disrupts the shit out of the market.

Needing a Steam account for it is just like needing a Facebook account for Oculus.

It’s a Japanese word play. ‘Dig’ in Japanese itself is ‘horu’, so without being immediately familiar with the name in this game I’m guessing that it was possibly written 掘るホール, horu horu. Which weirdly enough is also a specific term for those post tools that you use to shove into the ground to pull dirt out of. I’m

What is this? A Fantasy for ants? 🗡️🐜

Here they go again fucking up the text like they did last time and with the Chrono Trigger remaster! JUST MAKE IT A PIXEL FONT, YOU LUDICROUS CHUCKLEFUCKS!