
I’m just a conspiracy playing another conspiracy disguised as another conspiracy >.<

This guy is a class act. Admitting mistakes, providing real answers and encouraging refunds. If only AAA developers worked this way. Can you imagine if EA pulled the latest Sim City because it was broken and encouraged refunds?

Seriously Cawthon gets all of my praise for this.

You said it well enough yourself, fan of the series or not, Cawthon is a very human developer who at least gives a shit.

Oh it worked alright, Unity’s engine wasn’t a game engine. It was a e-commerce platform for speed pants and helix points.

Needs Lego Bat Shark Repellent.


CK2 is awesome and the post release support of the game has been phenomenal. It’s nice to see it still going strong almost 4 years later.

*currently playing the NA release*

Dizzy eventually gains the power to turn people against each other in a murderous rage, all without having to fire a single shot.

“’I can’t tell you that you can play the whole game without violence – that’s not necessarily a goal of ours,’ Howard told The Guardian.”

Then you didn’t intend to make a Fallout game.

Bethseda Furious — Want Exclusive Rights to Break Their Own Games

Style over realism any day of the week. They both made a good call. It ages so much better.

I’m relieved it finally got released. It’s six months late and the team did a terrible job keeping backers up to date on what was going on, with many promised deadlines coming and going without any word until weeks or months later.

I have a hard time believing that an artisanal, locally-sourced, hand-crafted, gluten-free, organic, bean-to-bar chocolate maker would misrepresent their product in this way.

I had really hoped that Star Fox Wii U was going to be a reimaginging of Star Fox 2... Being able to direct wingmates on the gamepad have been such a great use of that second screen... But no, gryocontrols...

The dialogue localization for the AA games were great, but the game was localized when Capcom thought anything Japanese wouldn’t sell in the west. I think it was due to Onimushia doing poorly in Europe at the time.

I wonder if the mess of the localization settings of the previous games is the reason why we aren’t getting The Great Ace Attorney game. They can simply keep the settings the same and just have American Phoenix a descendant of Japanese hertiage like how they had to make the Feys Japanese in AA3.

I’m more interested in getting a localization of The Great Ace Attorney.

Everyone should buy at least one copy of any version of FFVI...