
Undertale is an incredible game. But mostly I want to see it win because the people complaining about it winning are objectively awful people.

Keep in mind hijacking GFaqs polls is nothing new. The L-Block from Tetris once won the Character Battle contest .

The tears are so salty. I vote for Undertale not because I think it’s the greatest game of all time, but because I don’t think Final Fantasy 7 and Zelda:OOT are the greatest games either.

The problem here is how quickly you are to throw around the word “censorship”. You can certainly make the argument that removing a breast size slider is an act of censorship and I don’t think you’d be totally incorrect, but the issue is that any reasonable person who doesn’t closely follow the topic is going to think

My love for Capaldi as the Doctor is beyond limit. I will be devastated when he steps down, regardless of who replaces him. I don’t see anyone ever supplanting him as my favourite.

This is such a great idea for a game! I just doubt it will ever be satisfyingly finished. Space is big.

I think it’s safe to assume that by “a novel” he meant an Expanded Universe book...

Well, sorry you feel that way.

Well, of course though. I have a neat little humidor I put bellyaching about FF remakes in while I play them. Can’t wait for the inevitable FFXII remaster.

Consider that they valiently unfucked FFXIV.

People were always going to say they fucked up regardless of the end result.

Basically, Antichamber for PS4

That was... awesome!

And the spirit of Elmo remains trapped in the cold, Canadian wilderness... his voice echoing through the night, offering a six-pack of Molson to any teenage boy who’ll answer his siren song.

Right. The Japanese name for the game is “Hitokui no Ōwashi Toriko, literally “Trico, the man-eating eagle” I know it’s not an eagle.