Rusty Starship

Ford Beetle.

Oh, wait...she said something safe.

you said it out loud

how did you escape the lab...

Meanwhile the folks at Jalopnik are still trying to work out how to get a human heart to power a car.

Butt plugs.

Transverse engines, as all cars should have.

Pictured: top secret Evo XI prototype

First look at the 2019 Mitsubishi 3000GT VR-4x4

Sidewalls too small


Now playing

A retractable steering wheel? The further we go with self-driving cars the more and more the future looks like Demolition Man

It’s a Jalop trap. They want us to start thinking that everything will be OK in the future.

“Greetings Programs!”

Still haven’t heard the logic of how this will attract fans. When the cars are the same and there’s not a personality at the wheel, which car does one root for? Or is it just going to be like dog racing- you just pick one and bet on it so it has more to do with rooting for your own pick from race to race.

I hop it doesn’t wreck.

Hop pun thread? Hop pun thread!

Obviously, the Model S was overly hop-charged.

In busy traffic if I have a spot that I can merge into I switch my blinker on, I will leave it on for five seconds, if the traffic in that lane chooses to be a dick and leave no room for the lane change, well fuck it you’ve had ample warning, I’m coming over whether you left a car length or a two feet.