Rusty Starship

I, for one, enjoy heated seats.

Maybe he’s selling it in the premise that someone will be lured by the residual scent of bratwurst and Point beer?

If you voted CP the line to fight me starts to the left.

Durr what is this fake news why is there so much Trump in Gizmodo you snowflakes need to get used to it he’s president now you guys never posted this much about Obama her emails are still worse than everything I love Russia.

It’s not just a funny t-shirt, it’s actually a good idea.

I’d be far more interested in the opposite question, which is probably making the rounds on Cardiolopnik as we speak.

The more prudent question is “Can you replace a human heart with an automotive fuel pump?”

(im a low energy commenter today)

Happy Valentine’s Day, nazis.

Yep. We’ll probably be seeing that piss tape real soon.

Dude what the fuck.

In high school my buddy and I used to play a game we called car tag. Car tag was a game of tag, played from the driver seat of a car. You had to get close enough to the other car to hit it loudly enough that the other person would hear it. Minimum speed was 45 mph.

Easy answer: He’s from Ohio, Florida’s younger and poorer cousin.

I kinda like the idea of “Florida Man” being a state of mind, as in “... and then I went all Florida Man on that shit! (yo).”

Nah, Florida man would have had to take a vacation up north. The hold my beer guy and Florida man are two distinctly different individuals. I.E. one does not need beer to perform his acts.

Lets all take a moment to remember the good days of Mitsubishi