Rusty Starship

Mad props.

Rollin’ shoal?


“How dare you sit there and blame white people for the problems of the minority communities. After all, aren’t you half white? Didn’t two white parents adopt you, after yours weren’t willing to raise you?!”

Droids have wheels, I don’t see any problem.

I often write about droids. Because nobody stops me. That’s why. If you think you can stop me from writing about droids, have at it.

“This has been a preview of George Lucas’ Endor After Dark, join today and get all the adventure, including Taboo Naboo, Hot Tatooine Nights, Curves of Coruscant, and Scruffy Nerf-Herding Smugglers “

... Go on.

One eighth of $2.65mm is more than $331,250. This thing is a STEAL!

Still weighs more than a miata

10/10 would gentlehoon.

I thank the Lord for seeing this, for this kind of real-life track fight between tiermates don’t really happen everyday and with no elaborate film crew.

I just love this is such a pleasure to have stuff like this to help me deal with such miserable things as.. oh I don’t!

Well it launches the F18 which fires the bullets. So it's a railgun by proxy.

This suddenly makes it SO. MUCH. COOLER!

including electromagnet catapults

This is my dream. Don’t hate.

Does it have room for my tennis rackets and light sweaters? And by light sweaters, I mean the type to wear on a brisk new england afternoon as I walk down the beach with my plastic wife and our clone children?