Now playing

As an older cat I just gotta say that while I agree with the assessment of Shaq’s boorishness, I have to correct any slander of the actual player he was. Shaq was a lot more athletically gifted and skilled than what was usually seen on the court. Shaq was a beast but he was also completely trusting of Phil and Phil

All caps when you spell the man’s name...”

But interestingly, Kaplan Police Department Chief Joshua Hardy seemed less concerned with how racist beliefs could impact his, I don’t know, policing, and more ruffled by the fact Aucoin broadcasted his racist drivel.

I get that you’re saying it’s not right, but also just because it happens all the time doesn’t mean that it should be downplayed.  After what she’s been through? Let her feel how she feels...

There you go demanding white people be logical in their interactions with black folks again

Does anyone outside of the vaunted UK actually give 2 tits about ‘The Royals’??

If this had happened at my house I woulda blasted that critter. I’ve had run-ins with raccoons that didn’t go well so my attitude now is I’m all for animal rights...but not when they infringe on mine

What?!! No! He’s a gun! Have some respect for quintessential Transformer history.

What?!! No! He’s a gun! Have some respect for quintessential Transformer history.

I don’t even ride, but as a native of Wisconsin surprised at all the Harley-hate from all these car driving pansies.  Half of you probably voted for Trump so I’m doubly surprised the demise of an iconic American brand would be cheered. But carry on lol

Why Michelle looking at him like she knew he was a little too extra

and he had the nerve to wear some bootleg red, black, and green bracelets....

yo keep me in the grays, I don’t care....but if I ever see this dude (or any white dude dressed similarly speaking with a ‘blaccent’) I’m SMACKING him off top, no questions asked

This made me tear up a little

Ok, I’ll try to play devil’s advocate. I don’t think this guy can really be characterized as an ally or someone who ‘wanted to move the needle’. I don’t think he thought his actions would really attract that much attention outside of the rally. So I don’t really have any expectations of him like making some kind of

so basically this judge’s own recent reaction, which went viral and is probably a meme by now, is most applicable to her

thanks for the shine. More up here than beer, cheese, and Happy Days and more Black folks than you’d think

Read a little bit more of the article. She says she looked at other kinds of wraps already in stores but she ‘didn’t like the materials’ and the ‘crazy colors’. Translation: she’s well aware sistahs have been wearing bonnets (the women I’ve been with have always called them ‘scarves’?) forever but she does not want

Sounds like there’s some awfully anal people in Seattle, and in this comment thread. She should smoke a better grade.

Really hoping she @’s him with ‘Bitch, you first’

Yeah his parent cousins. I’d say at least 2nd cousins.